An Indian went to the Doctor, said to the Doc he's feeling pretty crook and hadn't ever felt this bad before
So the Doc sat him down and gave him the once over
Doctor said.. ok I want you to go home, grab a big bucket, then you and all your family do their No 1 and 2's in it, also throw in all your veggie scraps, throw in the dogs No 2's.. throw everything you can into it, do this for a week. Then on week 2 stir it all up, place a towel over the back of your head and breath it in deeply 3 times a day for a week, then come back and see me.
2 weeks later the Indian went back to the Doc, the Doc asks.. so how you feeling now? The Indian said, well, I have not felt this good in years, what was your prognosis Doc? The Doc said, you were home sick