Well this little mongrel what a surprise he got.

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No, the two that were surrounded were plain clothed cops in an unmarked car as far as i know Atom and the young bucks surrounded them demanding money. The young crims weren't masquerading as cops they way i read it.
Its not the way I'm reading it either mate, I'm just saying that unmarked policing causes issues. I don't want my partner to pulled over by an unmarked car to find out its a crim.

From what I read its some young tools trying to play cowboys, but found the sherrif was in town getting his morning milk. Luckily no one was hurt and they have someone in custody. The news would be completely different if the blokes in the car were not cops.
AtomRat said:
No, the two that were surrounded were plain clothed cops in an unmarked car as far as i know Atom and the young bucks surrounded them demanding money. The young crims weren't masquerading as cops they way i read it.
Its not the way I'm reading it either mate, I'm just saying that unmarked policing causes issues. I don't want my partner to pulled over by an unmarked car to find out its a crim.

From what I read its some young tools trying to play cowboys, but found the sherrif was in town getting his morning milk. Luckily no one was hurt and they have someone in custody. The news would be completely different if the blokes in the car were not cops.
Yep, totally agree Atom. I'm always out in the scrub by myself either detecting, hiking or fishing and i know i wouldn't stand a chance against some of these young bucks that seem to not give a ***** about hurting people beyond the need to just rob them.
There are any number of burnt out cars out in the scrub near Creswick. I've been warned by the cops that do drive throughs out there to not go too far away from my truck as the crims will break in and torch it for fun. There are a few cowboys out there with rifles creating havoc as well. Maybe the "Canadian Crew' are following in the Creswick mobs footsteps.
If the police were watching for some one,or something,you do not advertise that you are there,so the cops got the result they were looking for,caught some of the scrum,might warn of some others make us a bit more safer in the bush.

Regards Frank
w w w.vicpolicenews.com.au/news/8981-second-boy-charged-following-attempted-armed-robbery-of-police-officers.html

Going by the swiftness of the Victorian police it appears they have got another one and closing in .. They must have of applied the right amount of pressure .
I'm in the bush every week of the year here in Ballarat and the out lying area.
I've been harassed by a red neck in a Toyota 4wd tray back (dark blue) around Enfield/Herrings,
3 times in about 12 months he attempted to run me off the road.
I figured that if he's stupid enough to smash into the side of my 4wd I'm stupid enough to let him have a go.
He didn't follow through with his manic actions so my insurance premium remained the same.
I even invited him to pull over for a quiet friendly chat the 3rd time but he gracefully declined.
He hasn't bothered me now for over 2 years.
I've also been pestered by 2 clowns over in snake valley twice in the last year but I guess my pick axe throwing skills deterred them last time.
All I want is a quiet and enjoyable time in the bush and I guess everyone else on here wants the same.
Just remember anyone thinking of having a go at us prospecters.
"Don't poke the bear"
Cheers Steve
limpalot said:
If we all do not stand up and report these crims we will end up like Syria and the radicals will take over. Invasion from within, supported and drive by the Do Gooders and lawyers.
It's all very good to report these types mate, i totally agree, but take a look at those ferals that abuse people with words and physical contact on trains and buses etc and get off with a simple fine (that they probably don't pay because that's the type of people they are). What about those feral women who spat on and assaulted that poor bloody bus driver last year? How he didn't retaliate amazed me, and if he had of done so he probably would have been in more trouble than the perps.
I'm over these ferals abusing innocent people simply for the way they dress or their skin colour, and then they front up and apologise once they get called to account and generally get off with a warning. Being drunk or under the influence of drugs shouldn't be a mitigating excuse for this type of anti-social behavior. Shame these ferals on social media, in the papers and on tv and punish them so that others might start to get the message that it's not OK behavior.
Where's the respect???
limpalot said:
If we all do not stand up and report these crims we will end up like Syria and the radicals will take over. Invasion from within, supported and drive by the Do Gooders and lawyers.
It's all very good to report these types mate, i totally agree, but take a look at those ferals that abuse people with words and physical contact on trains and buses etc and get off with a simple fine (that they probably don't pay because that's the type of people they are). What about those feral women who spat on and assaulted that poor bloody bus driver last year? How he didn't retaliate amazed me, and if he had of done so he probably would have been in more trouble than the perps.
I'm over these ferals abusing innocent people simply for the way they dress or their skin colour, and then they front up and apologise once they get called to account and generally get off with a warning. Being drunk or under the influence of drugs shouldn't be a mitigating excuse for this type of anti-social behavior. Shame these ferals on social media, in the papers and on tv and punish them so that others might start to get the message that it's not OK behavior.
Where's the respect???

Absolutely correct SCROUNGER.
Its bloody rediculous & some of these idiots have no brains at all, stupid wannabe crims.
Just recently I had the rear number plate stolen off my car out of my back yard, the stupid thing is though, the idiot that had it was 3 doors up & had it on the front of an unregistered holden VP ute parked in the street across the road from his parents flat, my brother noticed it when he walked out the driveway. I was going to take the prospecting pick or Fallow deer antler with me & & screwdriver & just take the plate back but decided to do the right thing & rang police. He was charged with receiving stolen goods because he said he didn't steel it but new it was probably stolen.
Had to go to court but not sure what happened, but now they always watch me as I drive or walk past, so I go really slow,haha, been tempted to say something but I'll keep the piece, unless something is said to me that is.
Thats in Ballarat.
Nightjar said:
Realise crime & laws apply in all countries however has everyone realised this crime was committed in Ballarat, Canada?
No it was Ballarat Vic, Canadian forest.... Check rego numbers are Vic.

Must agree on a national service style of training and compulsory most countries who's crime statistics are low have compulsory military service be that part time or full time.....

I was a country boy getting myself in all sorts of crap! As you do! But the local coppers grabbed me one day gave me a good kick in the backside and suggested I think about my future..... Suggested I join the military so I did and joined the army best thing I ever did..... Sorted me out and many others makes you value others and develop respect for yourself as well as others.....

Oh and those undercover officers are doing there job! They will show you there identification but they will allow you to drive to the nearest station if you are scared.... But that needs to be communicated immediately they will also call in uniformed officers if need be... They have enough means to correctly identify themselves... But communicate if you have doubts they understand that.....

And if they were there far a bit of romance..... Good luck a job perk I say..... Hahahaha
don't have to be a copper to be the wrong person to attack.. some guys are looking for an excuse to kick ass.. they gonna dish it out betta be ready for the comeback... ;)
AtomRat said:
Especially after this incident, there's no way I'd be talking to anyone who claimed they were undercover police, in unmarked cars. Its basically illegal for them to do it as it puts our families at risk. The more unmarked, undercover cops there are, the more that will try to copy them with led lights from ebay and a fake badge. Call 112 or 000 if you are being told to do things by people like these and only speak to them in a public place like service station.

Young ned kellies trying to cause chaos and im glad it wasnt a prospector who they surrounded.. be careful out there guys and keep safe. If your alone always have some form of communication

Rocks are a great form of distant defence in the GT :D
You can actually ignore unmarked police cars legally if you suspect theyre fakes. Just keep driving and call the nearest police station, tell them you think youre being pursued by people posing a police, give them the vehicles rego and drive direct to the front door of the station.
Police in australia cant legally stop any vehicle unless their in a marked police car. You have every right to put your own personal safety first, there are plenty of documented cases of crims posing as cops complete with badges, lights and uniforms in order to abduct or rape victims.
If in doubt, the worst is that you get a fine. The best, you may save your own hide and help catch a criminal.
We need to replace the dole with military service to instill some sense of pride back into the young, and foster community pride and belonging. If everyone without other opportunity or goals was enlisted, and then took their long-arms home there would be virtually zero crime. We would not need the plethora of *******isations of justice for profit (i.e. fines). We would not need the gaggle of shifty lawyers, corrupt coppers and soft judges infesting this system of Penal-capitalism we have masquerading as democracy, nor the narcissistic superiorists, private school brats and elitist parasites swilling at the trough in Canberra while sleazily eroding our rights.
Jails are just a breeding grounds for criminality and the further refinement of criminal behaviour. As are politics and religion. :eek:
R.I.P Common Sense... (found this on a different forum but rings true)
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
- Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
- Why the early bird gets the worm;
- Life isn't always fair;
- And maybe it was my fault.

Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death,
-by his parents, Truth and Trust,
-by his wife, Discretion,
-by his daughter, Responsibility,
-and by his son, Reason.
He is survived by his 5 stepbrothers;
- I Know My Rights
- I Want It Now
- Someone Else Is To Blame
- I'm A Victim
- Pay me for Doing Nothing
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on.
If not, join the majority and do nothing

Ill have to say..I don't blame the young for thier actions in todays society. Today is what the elders made it or let it be what it is now.
It seems if you can't control it..ban it is the way to go these days :rolleyes:

Young people with bugger all education on the dole can't get work because they either got kicked from school, everyone under 60 is being forced to work still so less work as 'experienced' are better than younger..and then the under 60's can't find those jobs due to job cuts and immigration.

The worlds had a massive turn in the past 20-30 years and for some reason it becomes the newborns fault. Great way to handball it off imo. The worlds pretty awesome when you have 5million in the bank for helicopter rides on bronwyn air.
I do blame the young for their actions, they are not all bad.
The turds that feel entitled to what ever they want, and they want it right f**kin now, need to be educated. They are a minority, but there are a crap load of them. Their parents are partly to blame as are their school teachers, and law makers who need to regulate every bloody thing.

I hold the politiclly correct do gooders to blame more than any one. And then I hold the people too scared to voice their own opinion in public to blame, because they are worried about what some one else thinks of their opinion, so they go along with the crowd when deep down they disagree but are too chicken schit to admit it.

So now we are in a position where Pauline Hanson said we would be, a hell of a lot of people agreed in their own small circle of friends, and very few agreed in public.
Now She was not a great communicator, and that Oldfield was a germ didnt make her opinion wrong,racisit or immoral.

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