Well this little mongrel what a surprise he got.

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AtomRat said:
Cigarrettes and alcohol should be banned from shelf sales. GPS devices should be fixed to cars and speed limits when manufactured to prevent speeding completely. Australian jobs should be kept for Australians.

There is litterally nothing for teens or mid 20s to do here but go to the pub and drink

I agree with a lot you say AR & see similarities to my own region in some ways.
Banning shelf sales of cigarettes & alcohol or restricting vehicles is just taking more of our right to make choices away though IMO. People have a choice to smoke or buy alcohol, further restrictions won't stop all people smoking or stop people using alcohol irresponsibly.
High speeds do contribute to a lot of accidents but they'll still occur due to negligence or dangerous driving regardless. What then ban privately owned vehicles altogether & remove the choice or temptation to do the wrong thing?
I think we can only remove or ban so many rights to "protect" us from ourselves & it's already become something bordering on ridiculous.
Totally agree that Australian jobs should be kept for Australian people but there are many areas here where seasonal positions don't get filled because the Australians won't do it. To proud to do the work, to institutionalised to Centrelink, to lazy, to busy at the pub - there are many excuses & it's been well documented over the years. Don't agree with some industries here that have imported whole workforces though - it's happened in a few & it's dirty pool no doubt about that.
We used the old "theres nothing to do around here" 20-30 years ago. Nothing new there. Truth was we had plenty to do & if teens/youth wanted to find something whether it be sport, hobbies, outdoor pursuits etc. the options are plentiful still. Going to the pub is a choice they make - one me & lot of my mates here made many years ago using lack of things to do as an excuse. Fact was we just liked getting on the piss more than doing something constructive. Thankfully we grew out of it (mostly :lol: ) & Nightjar is 100% right. At the end of the day it was very boring considering other options.
thedigger said:

Love it.

Like Nightjar I also grew up in an area where adolescents complained there was nothing to do while there wasn't enough hours in a day for me. We had no money, no toys and no government provided swimming pools, skateboard parks or fun centers but that didn't stop us from having fun. A stick and a ball was enough for a game of cricket, we had a creek about a mile away that had yabbies and a 10 cent train ride would get us to the beach. When old enough to work (15) I took the first job I could get and gradually worked my way up until I could afford to marry and support a family, just like the majority of other Australians. We now have a lot of bludgers that feel it is the government's responsibility to look after them, if they would get off their backsides they would realize that their destiny is up to them.
I been watching for more than 30 years,.... every year they have brought in 100 000 immigrants and every year we have had 100 000 unemployed at the end of the year with school levers and unemployed factored in,... can anyone here see a bit of an unscrupulous coincidental relationship between the two that is shafting our youth to the max ? :mad:
I think we just have to accept the fact that we don't raise kids like our parents did. Most of us older group probably grew up in a two parent family where one went to work and the other looked after the family and the home. The kids were more involved in the daily work around the house or farm and therefore shared in positive time spent with at least one parent a lot of the time. Discipline was just a normal part of family life for the average child.

I was fortunate to be 6th in a line of seven kids on a farm. Mum and Dad were home almost all the time. We never had electricity until 1960 and then no TV until 1971 when the youngest left school. We had to have more natural forms of entertainment and enjoyment. There was only ever alcohol in the house when Mum was cooking the Christmas pudding and fortunately I never got to see drugs until I was married at 28. There was always work to do before there was time to play. Feed the chooks, collect the eggs, help dad with digging, planting, picking or the everyday job of collecting firewood.

Many of these troubled youngsters are of our own making. We have split up families living in financially difficult times with poor parental supervision. Our police are not seen as the friendly guy down the road. They are somebody to be feared and avoided. My eldest brother used to race the local cop home some nights with the Vangard 6 pitted against the BSA ex-police bike through the hilly and winding country road. Both were always sober and although breaking the law it was friendly play between teenagers and the local cop.

Our youngsters of today are a troubled bunch. Even though we had a few troubled kids about, the rules of society were clear. Many of these young people never lived in a loving safe environment in the first place.

I think if our memory is still ok we might be able to recall some things from our own past that we are too ashamed of to discuss here :rolleyes: Perhaps we were just lucky enough to have not been caught :eek:
again, money box you are spot on.
We are all making valid points.
When i was a kid, mum and dad worked to pay off our family home, which cost them around $45000. They managed to pay it off before I left school, so they could retire without debt.
Im talking 1980,s the recession years.
both worked hard, with dad being away 3 out of 4 weeks, only home on week ends, and mum worked at the social security office and was alweays stressed out and busy, as unemployment was through the roof, the dole que went out the door and down the street. they were hard times, remember Hawke and Keating?
yet, our house was never broken into, our cars were not vandalised, the local shops were not spray painted and broken into , and no one ever heard of a ram raid. Teachers were not assaulted at my school, a rape was front page news and only bikies and Navy people had sleeves full of tattoo,s and bad attitudes.
Sure we smoked weed, we had beech parties when we were 16 and got blind drunk and lost our virginities, we did donuts in our gemini,s and toranas, did mono,s on our dirt bikes and had punch ups ,(didnt slip the boot in, and didnt king hit from behind though, no street cred for king hitters).

Now, we are paying off a family home that cost us $570,000. Im a shift worker, 12 hours, lucky though I get a lot of time off and Mrs NT works 8-5.
Last week I had armed cops with 4 german shepherds running down our street yelling for us to get inside and lock the doors.
We were never told, its ok we got him now, never heard a thing, it didnt even make the paper. lucky in my job, I found out it was ok 2 days later when we recieved a new reception with dog bites on him.

Little miss NT gets plenty of attention, and has great manners and gets great school reports and nice comments on how well mannered she is.

I will still be paying off the family home when miss NT is married with kids, and I hope that is 20 years away yet....
I hope she has a good job in the future and meets and marries a good bloke. I hope she does not get caught up in this drug/gangster is cool culture or some religious nut jobs that want to kill people in the name of peace.....
The police where given this one on a platter and still semi cocked it up ......

My experiences with these sought of things has been frequent the police just really want to fleece you of your hard earned it's a regimented system that's been in play for a few years now ;)

As for teenagers running a muck idol hands are the devils work....
where up to third gen and forth gen misfits , add a better strain and more potent range of drugs ,less brain sells then there for fathers and you've got the perfect storm . Gone are the pot couch days , it's the up and about days of amphetamines .
There entry level criminals doing entry level things been happening since day dot , It's just you've watched too much blue heelers and have been lulled into a happy place , the worlds at war for good reason.
Too many cooks spoil the broth now take that and apply that to parliament.

Speaking to a old fella the other week , he told a interesting story that sums up most things pretty well , old fella sees a nice old restored hg monaro , old mate approaches owner "what a wonderful car " he exclaimed , owner looks to old mate and responds **** off , old mate just couldn't get it , sadly I get it

Welcome to 2016 :mad:
The meth plague was caused by the criminalisation of pot and less harmful drugs for profit. The goon with the Monaro was probably on that stuff, and bought his car through selling/cooking it. If dope was legal it would be $30 an oz for the primo and free for the rest. And we would not have the social problems and further uptake of meth. It would also leave more money for food and rent and the upbringing of the children.
Even with the best education some kids will bow to peer pressure, so we need to change the peer habits. Pollies in their marble halls and ivory towers argue that it would "send the wrong message" to legalise drugs. Well I think they are constantly sending the wrong message about everything anyway. People are decimated by seige tactics in the outback communities by ignorant ******* dictator pollies here, yet they condemn it happening in the Middle East. They bow to and facilitate the Holy Dollar for their own devices while denying it to the majority.
De criminalise the bloody lot, and it will be worth bugger-all to the crims or the crims in guvment. Get rid of 90% of the parasites in politics, replace the other 10% with Elders and visionaries. Remove all revenue-raising fines, because we won't need to pay so many parasites. The manufacturing of criminality for profit is their agenda.
50% of the current laws are *******isations of justice facilitated by the High Court agreeing to let the parasites pass them.

Bribery is the best description for that.

Remove the plethora of cotton-wool-isms clogging up the courts and police stations and making lawyers rich. The jails will be half empty then- that's half the people having their criminal education refined.
Make Australia self-sufficient again. Bring back tarriffs and subsidies, whatever the cost. Compulsorily re-acquire banking, essential and major services. Their whoring off on the grounds of unprofitability has been proven a lie. The corporates have already well and truly had their pound of flesh, and deserve NO compensation whatsoever.

Maybe the only way to turn the country around is a French-style revolution. A few guillotinings might give the parasites in Canberra and elsewhere the message.
Tim said:
If dope was legal it would be $30 an oz for the primo and free for the rest. And we would not have the social problems and further uptake of meth. It would also leave more money for food and rent and the upbringing of the children.

Dear Oh Dear, spending the housekeeping money on drugs. What low life pr!ck would even consider that path.

Wait Tho, maybe he has to buy dope because he is addicted to the dope that is safe and not habit forming?
Redfin said:
Wait Tho, maybe he has to buy dope because he is addicted to the dope that is safe and not habit forming?

It will be medicine from March 1st in NSW. Not that I smoke it anymore but locking people up for it is the wrong approach.
Redfin said:
Tim said:
If dope was legal it would be $30 an oz for the primo and free for the rest. And we would not have the social problems and further uptake of meth. It would also leave more money for food and rent and the upbringing of the children.

Dear Oh Dear, spending the housekeeping money on drugs. What low life pr!ck would even consider that path.

Wait Tho, maybe he has to buy dope because he is addicted to the dope that is safe and not habit forming?

Whether it's dope or durries or grog or gambling, neither the government, nor other racketeers or criminal organisations should be profiting from it. That is what should be illegal by law. An individual making a choice or even supplying his mates is a whole different kettle of fish to legalized or sanctioned, illegalized or non-sanctioned, promoted or not promoted organisational criminality. It's a matter of scale.
I don't smoke dope or durries, drink grog or gamble. I used to do some. But I would never begrudge any individual doing something as long as it wasn't causing direct, immediate, or violent harm to anyone else. Criminalisation and taxes drive the price through the roof. That takes food out of childrens mouthes any way you want to look at it. Cigarette and alcohol tax take the food from childrens mouthes.

If making dope legal meant the scum in Canberra put a tax on it I would absolutely disagree with that criminality. Decriminalisation and taxation do not have to go hand in hand.
The tax on durries is criminal. The tax on grog is criminal. The promotion of gambling is criminal. Jacking up the price of less harmful drugs by criminalisation has seen the advent of dangerous synthetic drugs. The government is to blame directly for the meth scurge and the Ecstasy overdoses. Full Stop.
Yep. The Pharmacos are the biggest criminals of the lot. Mark my words- the next Thalidomide style disaster will be anti-depressants. It happened in Europe on a small scale 2 weeks ago with 5 deaths from an experimental anti-depressant through strokes. Aspirin was originally made from Willow Bark, Most of the hardcore painkillers from Opium. Then they are *******ised or synthesised by these criminals. Despite the plethora of naturally occuring wonder drugs, and those yet undiscovered being made extinct through deforestation, they seek monopolies on the betterment of mankind and control or supress availability where it suits them by jacking up the price.
To use an analogy-better to die of thirst in the desert than in sight of unreachable/undrinkable water.
In the same way that governments have become corporate puppets, doctors have become pharmaco puppets. Too readily fobbing people off onto drugs instead of thorough diagnosis and treatment. I know this first hand after losing 4 years, and nearly my life, to misdiagnosis and poisoning by MSRI and SSRIs'.

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