You got it Magilla 
No worries bob, just didn't wanna sound like a tea leaf.
No worries bob, just didn't wanna sound like a tea leaf.
Magilla said:Good question, they went emu hunting.
Following the long hot summer of 1932, wild emus in the Murchison district of Western Australia went on the rampage in search of food and water - much to the chagrin of local farmers who feared for their crops. In a bid to stop the advancing emus along the rabbit-proof fence farmers enlisted the help of the army. Armed with Lewis machine guns and 10,000 rounds, a party, led by Major Meredith of the Royal Australian Artillery, was sent to the Campion district where it was estimated 20,000 emus were causing damage. However, due to the abundance of food the emus were gathered in small groups, most of which were outnumbered by the 50 settlers who had turned out to meet Major Meredith and his men. A group of 40 emus was sighted and beaters were sent to herd them into firing range. At a distance of 1,000 metres the first burst of fire landed short, with the second killing about a dozen birds as they raced for the cover of trees.