I have been involved in fighting Govt. departments since the 80's with regards to mining issues, many as a PMAV member and office bearer. The big issue I have is that the PMAV has well and truly made known their political allegiance to the Liberal Party a few years back when the President stood for pre-selection for a seat in Melbourne. The same party who shafted us before the last state election.
So there is no way we will get fair treatment from the Labour / Green alliance.
I did suggest to the PMAV President in writing that the PMAV should form a political party. It is THE ONLY WAY we have a chance of getting our plight known. I sent a well informed letter offering suggestions to this effect and didn't even get the courtesy of a reply.
Lobby groups as such get brushed aside by Government Departments.
I would challenge anyone to show me anything the PMAV has won in many years. It's not a criticism of the PMAV, rather a statement of the obvious. Lobby groups don't work, just ask the Mountain Cattlemen's Association.
What we are up against is a well oiled machine known as the Victorian National Parks Association. They get funding from many areas but one of the main fund givers is the Victorian Branch of the Australian Labour Party. The VNPA makes suggestions, and as a not for profit group get funding for researchers to provide them with the information they need to get what they want.
The Shooters Party, the Motoring Party, and other minority groups realised this and are now being heard in Parliament. Even the bloody sex party get a seat.
As I have said, THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THESE GROUPS THAT OPPOSE PROSPECTING is to form a political party. I would happily stand in my electorate at the next state election. Its as much about creating awareness of Prospecting as a recreational pastime, as it is winning votes.
If you think I am being harsh here, and some of you will, which is fine, I am saying this because for too many years we have relied on banner waving, and other stunts like that to get noticed.
And has it worked? NO it hasn't. We lost dredging, we are losing access to National Parks, we may lose sluicing in all Parks and possibly in totality.
The PMAV President is 100 percent wrong when she says she knows of no plans to restrict access for prospectors. It is well documented that as a result of the VEAC inquiry into new prospecting areas in National Parks, the Veac findings says quite clearly that there will be restrictions on equipment used, and removing access to areas such as the Woolshed Valley, and other national parks are likely.
I spoke to a Ranger in Charge a few days back, and he indicated that there were changes which would affect us. he wouldn't say what but when I showed him a proposal to run some activities in a Park in my area, he said he would have no problem with a history tour, but couldn't approve a prospecting tour.
That says it all.
The next State Election is just under 4 years away. So if you are really serious you will give this some serious thought.