The asparagus ended up with a few new little shoots telling me it was time to prepare the bed
so I carefully removed the old tops
you can see what was there.... I did end up eating that
found two new baby plants just outside the bed... I'll see where there is a gap to shift them into once all the eating is over and done with for the season
I saved some seed from the female.... they tell you only to grow males, but I recon that just stops you growing fresh stuff by yourself
got a barrow full of tops
threw it out on some fresh mown grass (no seeds)
first reduction..... then went over it once more with the mower
added a good scoop of rooster booster to the bed
then put the tops back on as mulch.... in nature the tops would end up going back into that soil over time... helping to build some deep humus I'd recon.
anyway.... jobs done now... just waiting for the feed.
I know self praise is no recommendation.... but... I did good
.. that's the best its ever looked