Manpa said:
GH sounds like you have a young entrepreneur on your hands, kids have such creative minds, it sound s like she is very focused on achieving her goals.
Great stuff.
She is one that feels she is less than the others, so a little focus on her is a good thing, she seems to be making up with independence, for a perceived loss of ability.
A great kid and yes she has her mind set, she even wants to help buy a new house for the family, so she is sharing too, constantly displays that.
We discussed her School business plan this morning at drop off, to present next week to the Principal (have to keep it moving).
AND what I have to do for her Hot Dog stand (that was from her)
I see a little of me in her, I was only 5yrs old when I grew rock-melons and sold door to door, back in Whyalla, at 2, 5, and 10 cents, I earned and saved over $10,
but no direct goals, just for the heck of it.
A lot of money for a little kid in 1967, my sister ripped me off, parents dealt with that, then the parents borrowed the money for petrol on an outing, forgot the wallet.
LOL, I never got paid back, but it didnt bother me. Older sister yes, parents no, go figure that ?
M2, she actually has goals, so lets hope she achieves them with good planning - after that the sky is the limit or maybe not
M2 is also going to Normanville with me to do a camp and horse riding, M1 has been invited to share that experience.
Apparently I am too FAT to ride the horses.

, but they will have fun and doing a well supervised activity together, a nice memory for them to share together.
Me being VERY allergic to horses, I will live on Telfast and just keep smiling at them. O