goldierocks said:
Ridge Runner said:
Well according to my latest bill for 44 days I used 105 KwH, But that is not my normal usage because I was playing with 4 battery chargers and running the lights and small TV and the laptop during the hours when it was dark which was from 16:00hrs to 08:00 hours the next morning, So 105KwH divided by 44 days is 2.386KwH per 24 hours which is a little high because of staying up all night and playing with Toys,
Based on those figure although excessive, 2.386kwH OR 2386Watts per Day would be equal to 871.02KwH per year, Basically 871kwH per year. OR 871.020Watts
Does that help ??
The average household uses that much in a couple of weeks, so I suspect something is wrong i.e. the average is 32,500 KwH per year and you are using 871 KwH per year. Is the bill showing the total used or just the total mains juice that you paid for above what you produce?
No Nothing is wrong, Like I said I replaced everything with low powered Items, and I turned off the power to things I don't use and only turn them on if I need to use them, When I first came here my power bill were huge and then I worked out why, for start all my lighting were sets of 3 Halogen globes burning 150w per hour where now my Lamp uses 7 watts per hour which saves me 143 watts per HOUR x8 hours = a saving of 1144watts Per Day and in the winter time that could rise to 12 hours day because it does get dark early around 15:30 to 16:00hrs, The Oven was using 2.5kwh and the shower was using 2Kwh, So I replaced the Oven with a 1000w microwave that is On only for 4 minutes at a time/per day which equals 66.6watts So that saves me 2433.4 watts per day
My electric Jug uses about 230w every time you boil it, So seeing as I drink a lot of Coffee I could boil it 8 to 10 times a day But Now I boil it once and put the rest of the water in a Flask So instead of using 2300w per day I only use 229.16w So that is saving me 2070.84 Watts per day, My TV uses 29.883 watts per hour instead of and average of 110w watching the Big TV for 8 hours at night and that is 880watts where as my little TV only uses 239watts in 8 hours so that is saving me 640.9watts for the same 8 hour and instead of a normal computer using 120w+ I use my laptop instead which only uses 21 watts per hour,
Bottom line is I went and bought power meters and tested every thing and If push comes to shove I can still reduce my power usage by another 50% and then I still have the option of hooking up the Solar and wiping out the last remaining 50% which will be happening in the next few weeks, I have had it with these power companies and their Lies,
You can forget all these ABCDE and F+ energy rating BS because none of it relates to REAL World facts an figures, Because My Big TV has an A+ energy Rating at 99,000KwH but if you watch it for 5 hours a day IE watch the news and keep the kids happy when they come home from school, Just the normal everyday type stuff at 110w X 5 +550w X that by 365 and that adds up to 200750W per year OR 200.75KwH per year and they give fridges an A+ rating and Irons and washing machines and dish washers etc Now in the shop that all looks impressive and is a major part of their Sales Hype, But the truth is depending on what the Appliance is They are rated in a totally different way Say from a TV to a washing machine or a Fridge, My house fridge was meant to have a low A+ rating when I tested it In Winter it uses 700w per day and in the warmer months it will use over 1100w, But even in the cooler winter months it uses more than double what they claim in the Manual Using 127750w per year in the colder months and in the other 6 warmer months it will use 200750 Add 127750 + 328500w per year, Yet it is only meant to use 227.000watts per year, So it's using 101.000w + more per year.
The Only way to get a true Idea on how you can cut your power bills it to Test every thing in the house and write it down and work out what you can do to reduce the power each item uses, Some you can Axe by a lot other items you might only save 10w per day, But even a small amount like 10w per day adds up to 3650w per year,
The first time I went checking every thing before I bought the power meters I cut my power usage by 66% and when I got the meters I cut the remaining 34% in half again.
These are what I used to check the power each item uses and some Items I kept them plugged in to the meters for weeks at a time, These are for the UK market but no doubt you can get them to suit Aussie Plugs Too.
PS I just checked the specs and they do them in Aussie Plugs Too.