Heard a Nuclear physicist on the radio a few months back, Australian guy, can't recall his name?
He was saying next decade 2020s a new style safe reactor will be perfected and on the market.
10 MW generator the size of a shipping container and No Nuclear meltdown risk, using current
nuclear waste as fuel.
In Australia i doubt we will be leaders in this area or be building the new technology next decade
when the rest of the world is, our media distorts the truth and it ends up brain washing public
Coal & Oil have been demonised.
So has nuclear.
Solar / wind have limited capacity to take up our entire energy needs.
To run a country you need Industrial generating capacity, solar is OK for homes, farms etc
for part of your energy needs.
I think South Australia would be a very good place to build Australia,s first Nuclear Power Station
on the site of the old Coal one that was shut down, Port Augusta, its not far from where Uranium
is extracted ( Roxby Downs ). :idea: :sunny: :Y: