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Rocket Get back out there, stop pulling a sickie, you can do better than that,

Anymore of that caper and your Grounded Mister. :lol: :lol: :lol:

went detecting to relax, enjoy my day off....and two women in the wrong, spoiled it for me. Yes thats a crap effort, but I couldnt get into it.
Hi Rocket,
You guys seem to be attracting some negative comment from passers by of late, spoiling an otherwise pleasant hunting experience.
How do folks on here deal with individuals who try to spoil a detecting session? other than council rangers and property owners.
Cheers, SinHof.
Tell them that there is no laws against what we are doing. If they are reasonable, show them that we leave no holes. If they are unreasonable, disengage, and if they threaten police, or council.... say ok you go do that. Today I told her, that I will report her for not picking up her dogs crap....she got to me after telling us to get real jobs, as she angrily strutted past us. She was way over the top, seething anger, prob the second worst experience we have had.
An experience such as described can certainly spoil a good quiet detecting session; to date I've not had any issues with people objecting to what I'm doing, most show some interest including a council worker or two of late; thanks for the info on dealing with objectors.
I am happy if a person comes up and challenges me in a calm and respectful manner. Most people do but then you get others who rant and yell and there is just reasoning with them. They are not listening to you but just preparing their next attack. I am very honest and tell the reasonable people that generally the councils have no specific rules but some do. Also that they can use current bi laws such as destruction of flora etc if they really want to move you on. Most people accept this.

When I was a younger, more angry man I would probably spat out a torrent of expletives to the obnoxious but I have mellowed a little and it does nothing for the hobby to fight fire with fire. Like Greg said, tell them to call the police or council but stop harassing us. It turn away and continue detecting. If they carry on and I feel threatened I would probably leave.

I have a few put down lines I use like today. I told the lady "You have no idea how little your opinion means to me". Her jaw hit the road and she walked away. She was just offensive and there was no explaining or reasoning with her.
Sorry to hear about that Rocket, people sure can be ................. :mad: (insert words here).

I enjoy checking out you and Mr Jets find from an area that I am familiar with, have even been classed as a "semi Novocastrian" :cool:

Don't let the uninformed/arrogant A..HOLES put you off.

If it gets to bad there is still spots to detect where people have been, but, there isn't to many of them to worry about ;)


Don't have to pick up dog s..t either... :lol:

Some people should really just mind their own business, how dare she make such a presumptuous comment. They can rant and rave all they like, though a good set of headphones is enough to selectively block out the outside world when needed. ;)
I had a lady one time blaming me for leaving open holes in an oval, I said "lady, metal detectorists don't leave rabbit crap around every hole they dig", she didn't find it amusing at all and still tried to blame me.....

People generally just don't care around here, must be a lot of people in Newy with way too much spare time on their hands.
I think that longtime locals, feel ownership of closeby public spaces. We our outsiders, are not welcome, and are doing "something" to "their turf". I can understand close minded attitudes, but attacking us is out of order. Many detectorists steer clear from public areas, because of fear of abuse. Myself, knowing our days are numbered because, we are a tiny minority, and the next order of banned park activity signs will include, a little guy swinging a stick, with a disc on the end of it, and a big red slash straight through him. Maybe no time soon, but I do feel jaded.
Ramjet said:
Killing it Ro ket. You should detect without me more often. My brilliance seems to overwhelm you aND you don do as well. Bahaha :p

Used to be like that, but not so much anymore.

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