My XP Deus 2016 Finds

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RJ and I should be revisiting our former honey holes, I do think having the hours on the deus is a main factor. Yesterday I was plucking bbs, from a very trashy three by three metre square, that has been hit more times than I could reckon. Its so easy to miss a small coin in trash, just being a few inches either of side of it, and you miss it.
Great work Rocket. I do believe last time we were there you said it was done! :D
Great result and you really have got that Deus worked out pretty well now. I usually get more because I dig more but you don't miss much at all.
Morning Rocket,
Mate you keep coming up trumps with the goodies, fast approaching legend status, me thinks, magic stuff.
Cheers, Sinhof.
The Deus is the legendary element ;) I should be digging rite now, cool, overcast, damp soil.
Went for a walk in the park after work, 2hrs of fun, sun, and goldiliciousness :)
Hi Rocket,
Goldies, goldies and more goldies . I'm definatly looking in the wrong parks, great hunting.
Hey Rocket,
At your current goldie recovery rate you will be able to afford a CTX3030 in no time and give your Deus a well earned rest, LOL, a great hunt by the way.

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