My Ace 350 hunts

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I cleaned the coins, knowing full well that the results may be disappointing, because they are toasted to start with. Used vinagar, and salt to soak them. I prob wont clean copper in the future, maybe just soap and water. It is good, that we pull them out of the ground, before they rot away, and lost forever.
I discriminated, to leave just the last 4 notches, on the ace350, to find all these:

Looking at your pic made me realize the only reason I got more coins then you is I dug more targets. You have about ten there for 3 coins and my total was about 26 targets for ten coins. Dig dig dig :D
I left signals, that I shouldave dug.... hindsight I spose. I am very much aware that, detecting takes a longtime to do well :) Oneday I wont get excited about 2cent pieces, but at moment they are juice in hole lol
Any coin detected is a good coin in my book, you only start worrying when you can't even locate 1c, 2c and 5c coins. ;) Once you get your ear trained to pick out the good targets, coins will start pooping all over the place - a good location always helps. :)
Got out for 2 hours this arvo, detected a little park around a 1870s building. Maybe the ground was builtup, its very easy to dig, and little rubbish. One guy told me, that it was stripped when the park was made. Its one site off my list, I wont wonder anymore :) I found this, part of an enamel badge, school, or scouts. Age? Its about 1.5cms long.

Found this on google images, now to date it.

Bugger, no internet on the comp, worked out how to get P A on the cheapie phone, but, cant see photos on it. Bring on the first of next month.
Pity the other part of the badge wasn't close by, looks good. I had the same issue with what I thought was an old oval (where I found the round 50c), only to be told by the security patrol that the whole area had been stripped to the depth of a couple of feet. Makes me wonder how many coins ended up as landfill somewhere. :)
Possibly 1940s, or 50s it seems. They seem to be collectable, yep shame its wrecked, still a cool find though :)
The missus changed her mind :) so the detector came with us on the mini honeymoon! I only got 2 quick sessions, and hit 2 playground woodchip areas. Got these for 20mins at one park l]

And at the second park, 2 bucks fifty, forgot to photo. Getting paid to exercise, I love it :)
No mate, all my goldies go into a jar, and when I have enough full jars, it will be upgrade time! :) She did get spolied though :)
Might seem like hard labour for the resultant finds, but you did score some pre-decs, and the main things is you had fun in the process. Always good to be able to share your finds and compare detectors with a fellow detectorist, hope to see those silvers pop up in the near future. ;)

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