My Ace 350 hunts

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silver said:
Way to go RKT, works wonderful like that, don't it. I wish it had a toggle switch for that job though,... it would be less strain on the digit.

I can work on pcbs, it wouldnt be a hard to do the mod. The only thing stopping me, is that the 350 will be sold down the track, for a at pro. Better to keep it original?
I'm never selling mine RKT,...I'm going to let it wear down to the housing before I'm finished with it, then it can become an ornament of some kind in dedication to those detecting gods that help out soo much,... I hope my great great great grandkids look at it in awe and think of how it helped me to build on the family fortune that they croon over soo much(ha),... so it would not matter to me if I rip into my machine and make a few changes(I would just have to up skill first).
Even if I end up with another machine, I would still hang onto this one as well, as the kids would probably use it if I had another for myself,.. plus as I know the machine so well it makes it easy for me to show the ropes to someone else with it. But then my machine was cheap enough and has paid for itself, so I wouldn't need to sell it to make an upgrade.
Tried the site, of the 1860s wallsend brickworks today. What google maps didnt show me, was just how much this site was built up, and landfilled over its original level. Still, I tried for 2 hours, just a few caps. Must be treasure there, but prob all deeply buried? I have many new sites to try, but this one is a bust for me.
Ramjet said:
Bugger. Better luck next time rocket.We'll have to organise to get together. Maybe one weekend when I'm not working.
Or I'll have to convince you that night hunts are the way to go :D

I would be up for a night hunt, be great if one of you guys could give me a little tutoring at the same time :)
Less distractions at night = more time to concentrate on your target tones. :) I'd just start off night detecting at an area well known to yourself just to get your confidence up. I generally detect with no lighting at all, I prefer to let my eyes adjust to the dark, and use a torch/headlamp/pinpointer light when required. The advantage of this is that you don't get people asking you every 5 minutes whether you have lost something. ;)

Also don't modify the 350, it will ultimately reduce any resale value - buyers alway look upon modified detectors with suspicion.
Met Ramjet last nite, for a midnight hunt, thanks mate! It was good to compare my use of the ace350, with his use of the AT Pro. The ace picked-up every signal the AT did, but the AT did seem to give a better indication, of what the target may be, not alot of difference though? I found my first pre-dec! A crusty1950 half penny, plus a 2 cent, and 1 cent. The 2 and 1, are almost worn smooth, the soil hasnt been good to them. I am soaking them, the family are interested to see more of the design. Photos later :) Great to get some success!
1st PD RKT, well done on the half penny find,... it would have been nice if I had the chance when I started out to get a bit of guidance from someone in the know(that didn't happen for me), but I'm glad that it happened for you, I'm sure it will make all the difference in the speed that you accelerate your ability to come up with the goods,... everybody has their forte' and if you can put that together from a few different coaches you will be well and truly on the road to inventive thinking with awesome results,.. looking forward as well to seeing that all happening for you in your pictorial adventure posts of the future.

Cheers and Beers.
Thanks, yes a little bit of "in the field guidance" does go alongway! Enjoyed the company as well, you can have a good conversation, and still keep well out of eachothers search area :) I enjoy seeing coins appear, it didnt matter who found them. More Newcastle group outings I reckon :)
Congrats on your first Pre Dec Rocket. Glad I was there to see it. Thanks for coming out to play. I was good to compare the 2 machines. Interesting that on the trash they seemed to give different indications sometimes. Rocket's 350 had some targets that my pro did not pick up. When it came to the coins, both machines agreed the signals were worth digging. I've posted my pics over in my At Pro topic.

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