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The French have compulsory national service for all young males, they expect it and they accept it. Too many hippies for it to be accepted here but as a punishment for first offenders it would work wonders.
They'd accept it more readily having been invaded and occupied in WW2 and partly occupied in WW1,..... as well as being entrenched in the ideals of invasion themselves, having invaded some 80 countries over a very long history of invasions.

Gotta scroll down a bit to get to the 800. :D
Got some crap at the very bottom though. :eek:
It's no wonder they all have a go and get their military experience, it would certainly be expected of them, and they would step up to the plate either willingly or under the duress of a national peer pressurage we could hatdly hope to understand. 8) :eek:
goldierocks said:
This may be part of the problem (although no stats for the last 3 years):

"Offending rates were highest for both males and females aged 1519 years. Within this age category, most violent offending peaked around 17 years of age. However, the rate of sexual assault offending by 15 year olds (64 per 100,000) was greater than that of 17 year olds (56 per 100,000)"

This seems to fit with the age group in violent gangs and house invasions that I read about.

Such a young age group for violent crimes suggests that part of the problem may be that many violent criminals are first-time (convicted) offenders in terms of serious, violent crimes. Long sentences etc probably have limited effect on people who have not yet been convicted of a crime, and violence seems to decrease with age (those already in prison might therefore be less of the problem on average). Hence my earlier comment about value systems and young people - finding a way to stop them starting would seem more effective than forever increasing the length of punishment once convicted.

It seems since the year they banned the cane at school and stopped allowing parents to give their kids a proper hiding when they step out of line that teenagers behaviour has started to become worse, such as kids stabbing their parents for telling them to get off an xbox or similar. They think they can get away with anything, they think that "gangsta rap" is real, they think TV is real, half of them live in a fantasy land that the world revolves around them because their parents told them so.

What do you suggest we do with violent offenders? Sit them down for a good talking to? It's this failed leftist social experiment that has brought us to this point, if the teenagers are stupid enough to do the crime well then they should be doing the time. Gaol is not there for rehabilitation it is there as a punishment and deterrent plain and simple.

Most of them have never suffered any consequence due to bad behaviour.
Commercial Gaol system may have its uses getting older hardened offenders off the streets but over the years have seen quite a few young guys do time usually for minor drug offences or unpayed fines. If the idea was to turn them away from crime then it dosnt work, they just come out with a far worse attitude and a greatly improved skill set (of the wrong kind).

The unforced national service idea sounds better to me, getting young offender clean of drugs and away from their current environment then supplying some proper discipline and a strong focus on education, particularity literacy, Stands the best chance of achieving something. At least it wont do any harm.

As far as violent attacks around Nowra and the Shoalhaven generally two words generally sum it up..... Crystal Meth
here is mark and what the scum did to him he also suffered a cracked skull
Mods feel free to take this down if its to gruesome but at least people can see what was done to him

Removed due to gory detail.
ahhhhh but sir it was the drugs that made me do it and my home live was no good i was picked on so it drove me to drugs i am so sorry i will be good and never do this again and it was not my idea it was his he made me do it
Ok 50 hours community service order
next case
come on mate lets get out of here there is a old lady just up the road who lives alone lets do her over
oops was that sarcastic
Serious question.

What do we do about it without making it worse..today..now?

I dont believe in vigilante justice because of the huge margin for error/mistakes.
i to don't believe in vigilante justice there is to much scope to make a huge mistake
There is nothing at all that we can do its up to the police to make a case (which they do) then its up to the judicial system to make the right decision on punishment
Truth in sentencing and or very strict home detention with leg bracelets
yes there needs to be more jails but this is up to the government (however they are controlled by all the do gooders out there)
you'll never stop this, we must remind ourselves these turds actually like doing this as fun because they are twisted.

sorry i dont mean to offend anyone but its out with the some tools if that happens around me and i see it.

hope he is doing well.
limpalot said:
Discipline starts with the parents and family, it is not up to the teachers; the system will not allow teacher to lift a finger to repremand kids now days; the kids run out to mum picking them up and cry victim, the teacher is picking on them.

A boss, or supervisor cant even reprimand a worker these days, without it ending in an official complaint, or workers comp claim. Weak we have become.

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