Ctx Madness

Prospecting Australia

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Still seems to be plenty of pre decs coming out, love the soldier looks almost complete, just lost his boots :lol:
Still pulling some good gear from that site, though it is always good to take a break from detecting the usual spots, you can always come back later with a different game plan and revitalised enthusiasm. Usually works for me when I think an area has been "cleaned out". ;)
Back to the HH today, continuing on from my previous hunt there. We've had a little bit of rain a few days ago and the soil is slightly damp making it perfect for detecting. Today I was doing some experimentation with the audio response settings, I was reading the manual again and there is a section about each type of response setting. I was trying out the "long" setting as it is meant to be good for trashy areas and for improved depth.

The manual states:

Long emits an almost continuous audio response. This setting is ideal for
responding to several targets close together. Long can be a little confusing for the
beginner but has the potential to offer greater Tone ID accuracy and depth to the
experienced user who can pick the tonal differences between various targets."

It took me a little time to get used to it and I probably wouldn't use it all the time but it basically does what the manual states and does it well. The shilling I found today was at about 10cm, it sounded like like a much bigger target when the coil was over it, though when you switch to pinpoint the target responds exactly the way it normally would, the shilling in long was like waving the coil over a coke can, it sounded huge. The greater depth statement is pretty spot on as well, I found a few small targets that were pretty deep, and were just a small blip in "normal" response, in "long" response they sounded quite large, much larger than you would expect. Some targets just on the limit of detection in normal as just a blip sounded very prominent in long and were very loud and clear.

So in my opinion if you are wanting more depth, say on a beach or the like "long" is very good for bringing out those very subtle signals on deep small targets, also would be good for junk clutter as a good target in among other trash is likely to grab your attenion more than the tiny blips that are given in the "normal" response setting. The little threepence in the photo was a good 15cm down and sounded more like a 50c coin on the surface in "long". It takes a while to get used to but it is a very powerful feature on the CTX.


Long mode sounds interesting, the makro has a deep mode :eek: may have to give it a try
Nice hunt and another florin :)
The long mode maybe usefull looking for those deep beach rings
Yeah I liken Long and smooth to extra deep on the Z. Can clean up a tone in perticular when there is a target close to the coil and a good target under at depth as it takes away the double tone of the Double D coil. I imagine with the 10x5 coil long would be even more effective, is that the coil you had on?
Smooth is also good for this kind of thing and after owning the Deus Smooth has become my choice when hunting pre Decimals as it makes the CTX sound alot like the Deus and really makes the silver tones pop over the alloy and old copper.
B5MECH said:
Long mode sounds interesting, the makro has a deep mode :eek: may have to give it a try
Nice hunt and another florin :)
The long mode maybe usefull looking for those deep beach rings

Pretty sure it will be my go to setting for beaches from now in, will use deep and long together, should be great for deep rings.
goldwright said:
Yeah I liken Long and smooth to extra deep on the Z. Can clean up a tone in perticular when there is a target close to the coil and a good target under at depth as it takes away the double tone of the Double D coil. I imagine with the 10x5 coil long would be even more effective, is that the coil you had on?
Smooth is also good for this kind of thing and after owning the Deus Smooth has become my choice when hunting pre Decimals as it makes the CTX sound alot like the Deus and really makes the silver tones pop over the alloy and old copper.

Good info there GW, I was using the 11"coil, will give it a run in a really trashy spot with the 10x5, will use long and my custom pre dec program, I reckon using that combination I should be able to isolate some good pre dec coins in this one area, I've found a few hiding before, each time I employ a more cunning plan in the spot I'm thinking of I seem to get a few more. :)

Will have to give smooth a good go next time as well, I only tried it for a few minutes today.
Another one to try is Pitch hold with 50 tone conductive, the pitch stays there so you can move the coil around to lock onto the good tone in really trashy ground. Takes a bit of getting used to but reckon Pitch Hold would be killer down the beach as even the scratchist of tones, holds in the threshold.
The silvers are nearly starting to outnumber the goldies Heatho, not that it's a bad thing - unless chasing spendables. ;) Those straggler florins, are they being masked, or just missed due to coverage? :)
I think these are silvers that I've missed GP, I started off just randomly wandering this field as it's so big, when I hit a productive area I'd start gridding. Then I just started gridding the whole area, I think these were patches that didn't have much initially and I'm working my way through more methodically now. Finds are fewer but they are there.
goldwright said:
Another one to try is Pitch hold with 50 tone conductive, the pitch stays there so you can move the coil around to lock onto the good tone in really trashy ground. Takes a bit of getting used to but reckon Pitch Hold would be killer down the beach as even the scratchist of tones, holds in the threshold.

Will give that a go for sure GW. Cheers
Goldpick hold with 50 tone conductive is awesome on the beach . You know trait up when you hit a patch of coins or a ring and start Griffins from there . I'm not putting my last beach trip up out if embarrassment of the lack of goldies , plenty of lesser coins though .
Danny13 said:
Goldpick hold with 50 tone conductive is awesome on the beach . You know trait up when you hit a patch of coins or a ring and start Griffins from there . I'm not putting my last beach trip up out if embarrassment of the lack of goldies , plenty of lesser coins though .

C'mon mate $18 on a beach isn't too bad, some days you get em some you don't. My hunt the other day at the beach was a shocker, $4 and a few bits of junk, it's not all silver coins and gold rings in this hobby. :)
Yeah I know mate , the tides are really low , usually packed with goodies. Was just sharing my settings on the beach at low tide , I don't know if gold pick uses a ctx 3030 , but I developed a program for the beach called the bucket, thought it might help.


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