Looks like good Joe Blake country
It's Aussie slang, mate. "Joe Blake" = snakefwdoz, what is ment by "good Joe Blake country"?
Are mate !Thanks Grubstake!
Why 'Joe Blake', whats the backstory?
Sorry for being a pesky Fly!!
It's rhyming slang:Thanks Grubstake!
Why 'Joe Blake', whats the backstory?
Sorry for being a pesky Fly!!
Nice one GS,It's rhyming slang:
Joe Blake = snake
Dead horse = tomato sauce (ketchup)
Trouble & strife = wife
Porky pies = lies
There are many more, but they mostly seem to be dying out now.
An old one seppo =septic tank = yank.Nice one GS,
i`ve roamed this land 58 yrs & there are a few that you posted that i have never come across.
Off topic i know but it is very interesting when you probe into it.
Yankee Doodle Dandy ?
Mr Adams may have a few to add from the States maybe open a new Topic.