Ctx Madness

Prospecting Australia

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Evening Heatho,
Nice hall from the beach with a good addition to the spends container.I tried a couple of new beaches today for a $2 coin and two one cent pieces and a few more sinkers.
Have you noticed that when running the 3030 in saltwater mode there seems to be a noticeable drop in sensitivity? I have to carry my beach scoop further from the coil when saltwater is turned off and manual sensitivity at around 17.
Cheers, SinHof.
SinHof said:
Evening Heatho,
Nice hall from the beach with a good addition to the spends container.I tried a couple of new beaches today for a $2 coin and two one cent pieces and a few more sinkers.
Have you noticed that when running the 3030 in saltwater mode there seems to be a noticeable drop in sensitivity? I have to carry my beach scoop further from the coil when saltwater is turned off and manual sensitivity at around 17.
Cheers, SinHof.

G'day mate, there would have to be a drop in the sens in seawater mode but it still pings pretty deep and clear on decent sized target like $2 coins in my opinion. I have noticed it though, but it quietens it down beautifully.
Goldpick said:
$20 is pretty good going for a regularly detected beach, are you using the stock or large coil?

Just using the stock standard coil, have been meaning to get a couple of others, probably get the 17" for the beaches to cover more ground faster.

Morning Heatho,
Thanks for the conformation, seawater mode as you say pings decimal goldies and the like quite well, certainly enough to pull you up and some of them are fairly deep, so the loss of sensitivity what ever it may be outweighs the background clutter when it's not selected.
When swinging over dry sand, seawater off, I have to hold the sand scoop behind my back and slightly higher to keep it further from the coil, it's a heavy scoop and the arm and shoulder get pretty tired after a lengthy period of detecting, something I will have to adjust too.
Cheers, SinHof.
Yeah without seawater on it punches very deep, maybe deeper than actually needed a lot of the time. I had mine on about 15 sens yesterday and was still getting targets around a foot deep.

Sometimes when still on mainly dry sand with a high sens above 20 I need to turn seawater on as it's punching through the dry into the underlying wet sand. :)

Sometimes when I swing too far to the right it picks up all the metallic objects in my bucket that I carry, I have to be careful not to swing under the bucket.
Problem with that Rocket is that the scoop fills with sand and gets very heavy and difficult to drag.
Sinhof,I havent used my 3030 at the beach, but i too would have the same problem with the sovereign
So i carry the scoop on/over my shoulder .
I made up a hook on the back of my belt to hook the hand loop of my scoop on so i could drag it keeping my hands free, but as said above got too heavy , then it would drag the belt (and my pants) down, no matter how tight i made the belt.
Hi Guys,
Rocket, I sometimes drag the scoop behind me but as Sandta has commented it does fill with sand and becomes a chore to drag, in its own right it's quite a heavy piece of gear and too heavy to carry over ones shoulder to say nothing of filling my shirt with sand.
I will just have to get accustomed to carrying the scoop higher and behind my back, with a bit of practice it should not be too much of a problem, I hope.
Cheers, SinHof.
Hit a different spot last friday and also today with a couple of friends who were using an aldi detector, I scored $19 on the friday and $21 today, also got a couple of penny's, one is 1964 and the other is an 1879 Victorian penny. Could be a a new site with silvers hopefully. Never seen such a trashy site though, pretty extreme junk profile with mainly aluminium bottle tops grrr, it's hard going but there are good targets among the trash.

Had to use one of my custom discrim patterns, which worked a treat to filter out a lot of the junk. It definitely helped me get more than I would have without it. You can see in my junk bucket, it's 99% aluminium caps.





pprogers said:
That's a sweet Brit penny with some really nice detail. It always amazes me how well some come out after all those years.

Me too, was in much better condition than the 1964 penny, amazing it has been there so long and stayed so clean, blows me away everytime I get and old coin like that.

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