Thanks GP couldn't have said it better.
Will clarify a few things for you Gary.
Is the Excalibur a knife?
Well sort of, Wally69 named it Excalibur after the famous sword

, it's a digging tool he bought me from Miners Den.
Can't believe you are allowed to do so much digging in a public place without getting chased off. Do you stay away from the playing fields?
As GP said, I started out only using a screwdriver to "pop" targets out. These days I use the digging tool "xcalibur" also but not on actual playing fields and only for deep targets and yes I generally stick to the sideline areas and outer boundaries of ovals. You won't find much on the actual playing surfaces anyway. Sometimes I do the actual playing fields but only for very very shallow targets. Detect where the spectators are, that's where the treasure will be.
So you take your coins to a dealer to cash in the $900 odd dollars worth? As GP said, any modern coins I run through a banks coin counting machine, just make sure they have no dirt on them. All my Silver coins I still have and will continue to collect, if Silver ever hits $50 or $100 an ounce I may sell them. The CTX has found me so far well over $1500 in modern coins.
All the best with it Gary if you decide to purchase one, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer them as best I can.