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Can you tell us the story about the hot rock. What were your thoughts when you found it. What kind of contry you found it etc. ? I almost through out two the other night that I have had for a while and then I saw on PA never to though out hot rocks. Just got to crush them now and see if there is any colour.
That's awesome sc75, your dog and I have a few things in common lol.
I was just reliving my weekend through my phone gallery. Here's a pic of the depth and a pic of the nugget caked in clay fresh out the hole!

Cool little nugget there SC75 always pays to smash them rocks.
That's awesome Walshie. It's the best feeling when you get a decent little chunk! Well done!
Iv found the flat winds having more sens than previous coils have been getting some more than usual ground noises in the wetter clays here in central Vic after the soakings we have had recently. Normally quiet areas have been giving false positive signals here and there due to it. Some you would swear were a target. Heaps of stooges lately. They definitely prefer the dry in my opinion. Good finds though guys.
Yes Jon I have found the same thing. Lots of false signals while the ground is a bit wet. Sounding just like a good target then being all over the pile after digging down a bit
Jon and Mattsgold
I too also agree that the new flat winds are more sensitive to wet soil and cause a lot of false target digging. It's a real and very frustrating problem. It's worth keeping your traditional coils so you can swap back to them when needed.
Yeah I found those rocks on a slope just above a sluiced out area in the Wombat it was a while ago but I only got myself a pan a few weeks ago and I found some more rocks last weekend so I made myself a dolly. I'm not the best panner I'm still learning but when I saw that little nugget I was super stoked mate. If the rock sounds good Wishfull take it home and crush it because you never know. ;)
Yeah I run in general 90% of the time. Deep mode doesn't seem to be any better at depth compared to general. I've tested the 14 oz at 2 feet then at 3 feet and I could barely hear a signal in general and it was no different in deep.
Yeah general seems to excel on the larger stuff. I think the 5 grammer was just on the edge size wise therefore HY was a better signal.
That's interesting about general and deep.
Hi Folks,
What a week just past, to head out bush chasing the yellow stuff, having not had a swing with the Z7000 for a month I was rather keen to do some hard yards and try and put some yellow in the rattle jar.
Out of a planed ten day trip the very heavy rain and strong wind put paid to all but the first three and a half days, a further two days being stuck in the 4x4 was enough, the weather was predicted to get worse with more wind, rain and snow, so home was the best option.
While the weather gods were not being kind the gold gods were smiling and I was able to unearth 20.2 grams cleaned weight of the good stuff, so the trip was not a total wash-out The larger nugget went a neat 12 grams and the next largest 3.02 grams, the remainder were from 0.9 gram down.
Cheers, SinHof.
Thanks guys,
I would like to be still out there but had had enough of being stuck in the 4x4 for two days, time to give it away and reluctantly come home and play with the CTX3030 locally.
Cheers, Folks,

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