A far better time for the written word I thinkest!
That actually happend where I used to work, only there were 2 "ill" people. Just a mud cake made with laxatives.In a workplace about 15 or so years ago, peoples lunch items would go missing. Everyone had a fair idea who it was, we decided to be rather nefarious with our return serve. The person who lost their food items the most laced their lunch one day with laxative, and quite a decent amount of it.
The running to the loo by one particular person on a regular basis, followed by the next day or so off sick, was joyously received by all. All except one.
Needless to say, no food was ever taken again.
Bugger gold, have you heard about the price of cocoa going through the roof. That can only mean that the price of chocolate is going to soar in the near future.
The wise investor I am, thought I’d get in early and purchased an ingot of the stuff. In years to come when beholding it, I’ll be reminded how wise I was to make such a long term investment.
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