Windows 10

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Windows 10 installed it on a high end desktop and on a midrange laptop run them for the last week 24/7 today uninsulated it today it's no better that win 7 just has a lot more crap that you don't need so the desktop PC whet back to Linux Mint and the laptop went back to win7 I just don't need Microsoft Forcing me into using crap that is not needed win7 does all that win10 does without all the privacy CRAP and Linux mint is so easy to use ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) And I only keep win7 for photoshop as I am to old and to lazy to learn Gimp ;) ;) ;) ;)
Windows 10 - 'Groove Music'. Do yourself a favour - don't use it. A very poor attempt at being an Ipod app - very user unfriendly. IMO I might add.
KarlS said:
You may laugh on me but I still run XP on my two desktops and two laptops. Stared with Micro Bee and basic. Then first IBM PC. It run DOS 3.2 ? and from then I purchased every OS that Microsoft came up with, up to XP. By that time I got totally pissed off with how the icons, system files and almost everything is constantly changing. Operating system should be just that OS. Not something that you have to learn a new every time the new version comes out. Last year I have bought Xbox one for my kids. It is supposed to use Win 8 style menus. Well, if it did not cost 500 bucks I would get sledgehammer and smash the bloody thing to little pieces.
Tried Apple for short time and did not like it at all. It may be good for very intelligent people, but not for me.
Don't get me wrong, Microsoft come up with probably most logical OS in the age when everything is driven by lowest common denominator.
But until they come up with something more logical to use, I will stick wit XP.


I'm with you Carl.
I am tapping this out on my old Dell running Windows XP. Why should we change, it's hard enough remembering how this one works without having to learn all that constantly changing crap.
We are happy and don't wanta change/update or what ever you like to call it?

Anyway that is not why I'm here. I would like to talk to you about your wireless ear piece please Carl.
Is it possible without a mobile phone? cause as well as using XP I am a phoneless person as well.
Is there a quiet corner we can go to talk about this? as I have only been here a coupla days and I didn't know how to contact you. Hope to hear from you soon, Jimmy.
I wish I had never put Windows 10 on my pc.
The amount of updates that take forever are really testing especially when your in a hurry to get something done. Don't turn off your computer.Working on updates. pffft. ..I'm Trying To Turn It On ! And it's slowwww.
Stuff that I had on my previous version won't run on win10.
If I was game enough and I know you can do it I would revert back to win8. I haven't taken the time to find out how to revert back but I'm so damn tempted to.
Life seemed a lot simpler without pc's sometimes. Grrr :mad: .
Wishfull said:
The amount of updates that take forever are really testing especially when your in a hurry to get something done. Don't turn off your computer.Working on updates. .

If it bother you schedule updates to happen at 0200, or when you are not home.
I tried Win 10 free update from Win 8.1.

My CAD App stopped working and as many of my other programs, Earlier versions of Office and Corel started behaving badly. My then ADSL@ modem did not like Win 10 and my internet connection became very unstable, I reverted back to 8.1.

There were 2 things many never realised with the free upgrade, the 2nd with any Win 10.

1. You had 30 days to try it and during that 30 days you could revert back to your previous version. After 30 days, you're stuck with it.

2. Unlike previous versions where you opt in for all security and data collection settings, in Win 10 they are opt out. So things like updates happen automatically when you switch on. Microsoft collect all sorts of data from your usage etc. These need to be either modified or switched off otherwise Microsoft are in the realms of knowing "what you had for breakfast last Thursday morning". :)
Before upgrading you are given the option of doing a compatibility test in regards to all the programs installed on your present operating system. It tells you
exactly what programs will be effected, and if updates for those programs are available.
I did the test when Win 8 and Win 10 became available and
decided to stick with Win 7.
I also have had W10 right from the start and as I'm here all day and night most days, updating systems is not an imposition. My only complaint is the amount of data it chews up. :N:

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