LOL, Dropbear, I have spent so much time in the sales end of the industry, and working on our own business network, that I have seen enough of that old argument,
must be your hardware, isnt the software
must be your software, isnt the hardware
must be you did something wrong
must be you changed settings
Installed new software, that isnt compatible...... on and on it goes.
VERY few will admit that there is a problem and they cant fix it, thats with anything.
It wont turn on ? You cant see the keyboard because the power is out ?...... Trust me, pack it back in the box and get a refund ! You are not compatible with PC's !
blah blah blah... I say LOL
A domestic end user should have support from the software provider whether it is the OS or third party.
Microsofts big push for Win 10 was hype and marketing in my opinion, that is all.
End users should expect to have all their products compatible if they are doing an 'OS upgrade' as a recommendation of the original OS provider.
Also when the CAD provider has notification of a new OS developed they should have a compatible upgrade fix for free to give to the end user.
Does Win 10 let you configure a software install as a lower level compatible OS version anymore ?
ie right click, install as OS win7 Compatible ?
I dont know, but that used to be available in earlier systems and I just dont play with Win10 at all now, except when Kato's school laptop
needs some issue sussed out, and then after I figure out what the issue is, it still has to go to the schools IT Dept to fix.
They just blow everything away and reinstall the OS image and hand it back - slack tards. The kids do ALL their work and software on their laptops and get it blown away.
Of course IT never touch hers until I back up an 'image', but it is the attitude that they just do it without advising the kids or making an 'image' themselves, not hard to do.
Anyway I guess that MS decided that there is more money in locking down their OS, like IOS, marketing anything and everything online and 'pay to use' cloud services,
so the
monkeys are under control with no software in the wild on CD's

It's coming fast.....
Linux Mint has saved me some serious stress - cant do everything I know, but 98% including running a lot of MS software, but it is going from strength to strength and
as a HUGE BONUS, plays DOOM really well :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
If anyone has an old PC to spare, try Linux Mint, have a play, you may be surprised, it took 3 months to convince me 3 years ago, its like a Russian Tank or AK47 or Toyota,
just keeps going. :Y:
BUT I fully understand people having their preferred brand of anything, it is what works for you, and that is all the reason anyone needs.
Sorry for the rant guys but that old chestnut - software / hardware has been going on since well before the ZX Spectrum and C64.
- it is frustrating when you just need it to work, most of the time.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: