I've had W10 running on my desktop computer for a few years now. Love it and glad I moved on up.
Also, I never buy brand name computers. Brand name computers generally come with bloatware (tons of crap you don't need) - HP is bad for this - AND you are also paying for the brand name.
I purchase my computers from
reputable, private, specialist, computer stores.
I usually pick out what motherboard, processor, hard drive/s, ram and graphics card etc. and I have them install my chosen operating system.
At the end of the day, it usually saves me money and I get exactly what I need. Switch on my new purchase, install my favourite apps and away I go.
I swear by Bitdefender Security software.
Best in the world by far. (as claimed by many internet security experts.) And priced similarly to Norton and MacAfee.
NOTE: Bitdefender comes from Norway (I believe) and when the yearly subsciption is due, ONLY buy from the parent company (it costs half as much as their Australian distributor charges).
Oh, I also run the free version of Wise Care 365.
https://www.wisecleaner.com/wise-care-365 It does much the same job as the CCleaner mentioned earlier.