VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

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New strawberry patch is starting to flower

now the old patch is still there and gunna flower up too.... oh well... guess I'll have to weed it after all.... maybe

got a few little tomatoes happening

not bad for self sprouted.... taste nice enough too

needed a bit of ginger

home grown lemon and ginger tea.... with a little honey (Mrs S says we need a little native hive)

be nice to supply it all from home :p
I reckon that is going to turn into a cool house in about 3 weeks give or take a week.
My lettuce have bolted to seed but the bottom leaves are tasty and the Tuscan Kale is going gangbusters and I cant eat it fast enough, beautiful. I must make some kale chilli chips.
The picture was taken before I had finished. I did peg it down with 550mm x 6.5 mm pegs, dug a trench around it so the overhang us now covered with dirt. Also has 4 guy ropes, one at each corner. I was going to use shorter 450mm pegs.
I will be making some raised garden beds up for it.
Where we are is a Mediterranean climate. Is does get cold but not into the minus zones. I will also be using hay over the soil to help reduce heat loss.
I haven't checked the temperature in there at night. To many other things to do atm.

That being said it will be 200% better than planting veggies in the open like I have been. Not as many pests either.
You know you can always have a compost bin/area in there to create heat hey ! Can even have chooks living/roosting above it.... adding manure to it through their floor :p
:D my seedlings are going to take 4 months to come up and need to stay tropically damp the entire time.... so my plastic hothouse is going to be tucked away somewhere in the warm sunshine over winter
from Bunnings

I'll probly keep one cell empty so I can keep an eye on the moisture levels easily

I'm finally going to use some of my coffee beans for more plants

Done my research.... finally know what to do (split side down) :D
Maze 2 m poly tunnel for the seedlings.

Brussels sprouts , Silver beat ,strawberries,pak choi, lettuce, collie flower , chili and egg plant.

Garden beds.
The one covered with black plastic has garden clippings, cardboard, rabbit quail and chook manure, the contents of the compost bin and a bale of hay and sugar cane mulch mixed in..
The middle bed has wood chips, cardboard ,paper a couple of bags of dried leaves ,grass clippings , manure and 7 bags of potting mix.
The last garden bed is similar to the second only with out the potting mix being added.


Crooks are separated by a fence across the yard and the rabbits and quail are in a shade cloth enclosure to keep the chickens out..letting the crooks free range during winter and until the young ones are mature and start laying..

The 5 pullets are 10 to 12 weeks old and are almost as big as the mature hens now :perfect:

Quail like the chickens are only laying a few eggs per week now.


Both the male and female Chinchilla have grown quite a bit ,the floppy ear was 18 months old when I got her back in January.
I tried to breed her with the buck at the beginning of April but she only delivered 1 kit, which died soon after being born.. :/

Everythings going to go great guns for everyone by the looks of it hey.

I did a bit more coffe plant research, only to find that the tap root likes to be deep and straight (all the lateral roots come out from it once it's sunk itself in).... so.... I luckily had some smaller deep square pots that fit snug, just couldn't have the final row in as the top couldn't settle down to where it would seal off

so could only do 18 pots.... well with two seeds to a cherry I was lucky enough to find nine that were ready on my tree

pots are filled and ready to take seed once they are well wet down

soon..... :p
Cut each kipfler in half lengthways, then halve again. Toss gently in large bowl with oil, salt, pepper, garlic and rosemary. Place on prepared baking trays and bake for about 15 minutes - or until golden brown and skin is crispy. Remove from oven and grind more pepper and salt over kipflers to taste.
Yummy :drooling:
Thanks all. I'm a bit of a potato dud and hence the reason I probably left some to grow. I must admit after reading how good they are they did dissapoint me last year. But I'm taking the extra prep steps this time.
Found a recipe that looks good.
Boil whole with salt, garlic and rosemary. As in boil them to half an inch of their life.
Take of and when cooled cut into thick chips and fry in beef fat and add extra salt and rosemary towards the end.
I don't have beef fat but will use olive oil. Hope they turn out ok. :Y:
Put a worm colony of about a 1,000 worms into one the garden beds.

Cut the base out of a 10 liter bucket and drilled holes into the side of the bucket, then buried it up to the rim , added moist shredded cardboard, paper and vegetable scraps then placed in the worms ..
Hopefully they will make short work of the scraps move around the garden bed to produce castings and compost.

Im going to use these crates as seedling beds inside the Polly tunnel.
As a young teenager I did have two Chinchilla rabbits , then I had 7 !!! Sold or passed on as pets . Had about 20 pigeons , they ate a lot . Had some pheasants eggs that hatched , but next doors dog and the cat got them ... Had a tort-use that hibernated in winter in its box . Dog was called Butch and cat Suzie . Both lived to a great age . Butch was the smartest dog I have met . A pure bred Staffy . A real fighter ! He had many scars !

He bit me by accident when I was trying to separate the fighters . Went to the doc . for a tetanus *** . After that I did not interfere , let them sort it out . He was very territorial .

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