VEGE PATCH. What's growing in yours?

Prospecting Australia

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Harvested some endive today with a few spears of asparagus. "borrowed" a few lemons from the neighbour.




EVIE/BEE said:
Looking a bit sad now...just about finished.
My favourite wild flower (obviously).
I'll do it all again next season when i get more red dirt from the goldfields. :heart: :heart:
Only thing im seeing sad maybe is some paint off of the pot! Looks good to me.
We drove a 180 ks there and back today to get some chili seedlings at Castlemaine at a nursery. Damn! Havent been there in over a year and the Midland Hwy was utter crapolla, potholes, dips that near bottomed out the car in about a dozen places it was nuts! These seedlings better grow good after that I tell you!
Got some Habenaros, Hot Amigos and a Thai.
Nematodes which causes root rot and to which certain types of plants are particularly susceptible to of which tomatoes are one. The practise of crop rotation is beneficial. Brassicas (cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cabbage, mustard, kohl rabi, turnips, brussel sprouts, bok choi, radish, rocket, mizuna, collards) actually emit a substance into the soil that kills root knot nematodes, so if you have an infestation, plant out members of this family thickly.
Thanks Blocker, I have for years grown Tuscan Kale ( great raw in salads) with my tomatoes and recently grew some Radish in the same plot and noticed yesterday some mushroom headed things on 100 mm tall ,thin ,white stalks. Are these the nematodes?
The mushroom like plants are a fungus mackka ,they mainly grow where the soil is to wet and not enough sunlight

If planting tomatoe's in the same place each year can cause " bacterial wilt" to be introduced to the soil mackka ,if you do that you will have to replace the soil or wait 15,20 years before vegies will grow in the soil

If it is nematodes mackka and you don't mind the odd flower around , plant some marigolds with the vegies ,nematode hate them :Y:

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