treasureman`s ongoing finds

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Wow thanks TM for the post very interesting mate
It's great when you find something
Interesting in the ground that promotes research
Out if the norm ;)
and i find it funny. all this star of david stuff that goes back thousands of years. of which religions and new movements have been taking and claiming as their own (Israel, since Rothschilds) google it if you dont know who they :|. funnily enough on the top of Saturn has recently been discovered there is a huge hexagram (middle of star of david) which has been linked to extremely old ancient civilizations. So i dont think we evolved from ape like the movement are claiming. I think there is more to it than what is made out, if you do your research into it you will know what im talking about. Politicians are just pawns, and their masters, well are so behind the scenes you and i (general public) have no idea. Because it is almost like a secret society (pyramidal structure). Mason etc or Illuminati you may of heard of.
And funnily enough the latest probe.satellite that reached saturn new images show a hexagram on top of saturn.
And its not silent, saturn is emitting a huge loud sound out into space. constantly. like a signal.

just some interesting information i have came across in the last few weeks.

Now let's not get into conspiracy theories here TM ... we all know we came from apes - I've seen it on TV with Charlton Heston - this was the Planet of the Apes!

I'm sure the hexagon on Saturn has nothing to do with your medallion! While it is interesting it isn't made of gold or silver so throw it in the scrap pile and get back out there with that detector and find some GOLD BABY! :)
so going on from the other thread i accidently posted updates on that instead of this original ongoings finds threads.
i have been back out to the side (3 visits) and within say 40 metres radius which is really a small area... all these coins were founds. bush area. no a park or old town. Remote bush. possible old army camp as any buckles found with. more photos to come.
also in this same spot where the coins were found (an area where a coin was within a metre of the next coin. This heavy dense metal was found. I scartch it shows a goldy reflection underneath, any ideas what it could be? a gold nugget i hope! but maybe not even close.
That's a nice score TM, lotsa silver and a few coppers 1958 being the key number in that lot for looking at a reason for them being there, the nuggetty looking find heavy enough to feel like the real thing ? if it's as heavy or heavier than a similar sized bit of lead(by looks) than you might be onto something,...or it could be a blob of brass blackened from a fire maybe ?,...curiouser and curiouser !
Definitely more out there. Doubt i flushed the whole place as trees do get in thecway.
Yes silver its as heavy as lead but isnt lead (found heaps of lead but this is definitely not). You could be right maybe super heated brass and has melted. But lets hope not. Will have to do some more investigating.

Nothing much too exciting. 3 shilling 1942 and 2x1943
An old vegemite bottle in same whole as the other two bottles. Many more old bottles but were broken. Huge bit of unidentified metal. And 4 cents. Peace
Nothing too exciting, unless like me when I haven't cracked a silver for a few days(ha),..very exciting, and I really like the look of that lock,..does it say sidchrome on it ?
the shillings are just a pain in a sense because they seem to be the hardest to clean. And they are always buried with a few more together like these 3 today found together.
Cant beat gold picks 2 shillings lol
3 Ramshead shillings is nothing to sneeze at, you are correct though in that they are a pain to clean up if corrosion is evident. Unless the corrosion is real bad (like green copper oxide), I tend to just leave them as they are. :)
These are some mystery items i found with my last huge silver hoard. Cleaned up and a bit closer. 1 is an old lipstick stick. With michels imprinted on it. Still can smell the lipstick. And the others im not sure of.
Paulmarr said:
Far right is air valve

Paulmarr is correct there treasureman. Looking at the stem on the item, I would say it was used to remove valves from tyres by mechanics etc. The metal cap next to it is a valve cap for a tyre. Dare say that someone had to change a valve at some point and left this stuff behind. Good find there. Not sure what the other items are, but I am pretty sure someone else will be able to help :)

Cheers Monty.
Called a schrader valve.
The item in the middle looks to me to be a post that you clip a tarp or cover on.
No idea about the left hand item.

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