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Todays hunt results.

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ctxkid said:
silver said:
8) Yeah.... and I see :rainbow: 's too :eek:

as a famous redhead said "please explain?"
here you go mate..... she'd be needing the nitty gritty type answer to move forwards...
Thanks wiki (research use only)

" A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. ... Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun. "
mayhap the used teatowel from the kitchen, used to dry the coin contained some residue oils from the cooking cleanup after tea that night (I was a lazy naughty boy working round the corner in the kitchen)... woulda been trouble for me too if'n I'd been seen doing that ! :eek:
Mmmmm..... seems a long time since 14th of July. Still no hunting either.... 8) :eek: .
thought I'd better join the box back onto the seventy so's I'm ready for oneday when I'm all systems go. :Y: I bumped it against a tree a while ago, and the old glue let go leaving the box dangling free. :eek:
anyway.... the new glue

and a tool for the job(a picture framing type tool... can wrap around odd shapes and tighten fast)

so I cleaned out as much of the old glue as was feasable.... and have glued the stem back in tentatively as a start.
this tool was used to keep pressure on while the glue dried. :Y:

close ups 2

holding well.... I will let it dry for 24 hrs proper before I rough it up around the edges and build up the glue for extra strength.

you can see where the old glue has been left in place holding that collar... it was very strong so was left alone. 8) :Y:
the glue I am using is clear)you can see the old glue ! :Y:

here's the other side of that framing tool too.... just so you can see the working bits. :D
ctxkid said:
silver said:
The Scrounger said:
Hope it works for you,but if it don't get an EQUINOX :Y:
H A.....if it dont.... I still got the Ace up my sleeve. :p
get a 3030 and shoot to thrill :cool:
:eek: I still gotta learn to use that 70 yet.... so that means waiting until it gets stuck there in long term memory for me. :eek:
caparobertsan said:
Hope works for you. If not clean up old glue use JB-weld epoxy or do plastic welding! :Y: :Y: :Y:
Thanks Capa.... hopefully it will hold for me. :Y:
Got in a short hunt with the Ace

was lots of nail... but this rang through really well

looking at the reverse it seems like it may have been a belt end.

and the Army button was a surprise too.

Not in the same hunt.... but in my own backyard while shifting dirt (as we do)
Finally... I now know what happens to those elusive 13mm open ended ring spanners that always dissapear on everyone :eek:

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