I got Silver's package with some of those 20 year old bird's eye chillis some cup of soup packages and a little jar of mango chutney.
He also kindly put in a couple of other items as well as the instructions to make the soup.
Here is a pic of the chillis. They are dark and have a strong smell that suggests good heat. Kind of smokey actually.
This is the soup, made to Silver's specifications, except I tend to take risks when it comes to chilli, and put in 10 instead of 8.
After a couple of spoonfuls it started to burn!
Sinuses cleared and a good afterburn has established itself in my mouth, nose and sinuses.
Thanks Silver!
Some of my next batch of home made gin cured cold smoked bacon will be on its way in a few weeks.
That chutney was one of the best I've ever had.