goody2shoes said:
How did you make that RJ
Hi Goody. This is a rough recipe. I don't measure much. Just add this n that. Unless I am baking which requires more precise measurements.
Add or omit ant ingredients to your taste. EG. some may want less red curry paste if they don't like the heat.
Thai Pumpkin Soup.
800g butternut pumpkin, seeded, peeled, coarsely chopped. (rough guide, I didn't weigh it.)
800g Kent pumpkin, seeded, peeled, coarsely chopped. (rough guide, I didn't weigh it.)
2 carrots, peeled, coarsely chopped
2 brown onions, thinly sliced.
3 garlic cloves, crushed.
2 tablespoons red curry paste
1 large, red chilli. ( I added this as I like the heat.)
1 cup chicken stock. (Powdered stock and water is an option.)
400ml can coconut cream. (Coconut milk if you are after a more healthy option).
1 tablespoon brown sugar
Zest from 1 lime.
Juice from 1 lime.
2 teaspoons fish sauce
1/3 cup (80ml) coconut cream.
Step 1 (You don't have to do these first steps but caramelising the pumpkin and onions adds a depth of flavour.) Place the pumpkin in a baking dish and roast until you get caramalisation. Brown off the onions and garlic in a fry pan.
Step 2 Place the combined pumpkin, carrot, onion, curry paste, stock and coconut milk in a slow cooker. Cover and cook for 2 hours on high (or 4 hours on low) or until the pumpkin is tender and mixture thickens slightly. Set aside to cool slightly. NOTE. The pumpkin is already soft from roasting. If you don not roast it, add a couple of hours to the cooking time.
Step 3 Use a stick blender to carefully blend pumpkin mixture until smooth. Stir in sugar, lime juice, lime zest and fish sauce. Season.
Step 4 Ladle the soup evenly among serving bowls. Drizzle with coconut cream. Season.
NOTE. We like ours pretty thick. If you want a thinner soup add another 1/2 to 1 cup of stock or water.

Of coarse you can do all this in a big pot on the stove.