I bought a small (1kg ish) beef brisket from Woolies and thought an experiment may be in order
I wanted to see how it would turn out if I treated like a proper size brisket (5kg>), but, with a change to a beef cheeks method along the way ]
Rub consisted of S & P, garlic and cayenne pepper powder, with a light coat of mayonnaise to help it stick, and add a layer.
On to the Dragon smoking Banksia and Hickory at 115 C.
A few hours later it had taken on a bit of smoke and colour and was ready for the next phase..
Into the drip tray it went with a bath of beef stock, Tooheys Old and a little dose of molasses.
Foil over the top, and left for a while..
Another couple of hours later I drained most of the liquid off, and took the foil off the top..
The little piece of beef had now turned stubborn and went into a late stall.
Once it got past 90 C I stuck a probe into it and thought all was lost.
It felt like tough, chewy (no offense Chewy :lol: ) meat.
Nothing lost, nothing gained, and so I let it ride until it hit a magic number, just under 100 C
Finally ready for its rest after 8 + hours, and off the Dragon it came, and into a nice esky it went, for an hour.
Smelt great after unwrapping, and looked just like its bigger cousins should look 8)
The proof is always hidden within, and the slicing proved that this little (now half its former size) piece of $6 meat can stand the heat
It was amazingly tender and juicy, for what little of it there was.
8 slices were all that came off it, and for size comparison, this is a saucer sized plate
Was a tasty bite in a small package