All the water is finally gone. Everything is the colour of mud. We need some rain to wash it clean.
I snuck out detecting with Rocket for a few hours but made a start on the cleanup. Cleared a path into the laundry/shed to get at one of the washing machines and managed to get it going. YAY!. It was high on the priority list. Also half uncovered the trailer. The big tree branches fell on it. Tomorrow I'll finish digging it out and the cleanup can begin in earnest.
I snuck out detecting with Rocket for a few hours but made a start on the cleanup. Cleared a path into the laundry/shed to get at one of the washing machines and managed to get it going. YAY!. It was high on the priority list. Also half uncovered the trailer. The big tree branches fell on it. Tomorrow I'll finish digging it out and the cleanup can begin in earnest.