I bought a pair from Miners Den Adelaide when owned by Coiltek manufacturing. Not sure if they still stock them. Similar to below. I think thay have polycarbonate inserts.

YEPmbasko said:He is M.A.Double D :lol:
nuggetino said:I'm from south oz so all we encounter here are the common browns, tigers, copperheads, and red bellied blacks. I wear loose fitting jeans and boots if I'm going to be tromping through the bush. As an outdoors man I see hundreds of snakes around and only once have I felt threatened and that was in far north Queensland.
Had an encounter with a good size taipan while i was out hiking a trail in lakefield national park. My girlfriend was ahead of me and i caught wind of the taipan laying across a freshly mowed trail at the start of our circuit walk. I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back as she hadn't even take notice of what she was about the tread on.
As I pulled her back the taipan raised up and arched back as though to strike and held it's position while I was out of striking range. I figured we'll just wait for it to calm down and move off the trail. I managed to snap a photo or two as we waited. Then the next thing that happened made me **** a brick.
Instead of moving on it decided to chase us down! We were chased as far as the car park (30 odd meters before she gave up and then she stopped and waited there in an aggressive stance. Here's a photo I captured of the said snake just before she gave chase. Perhaps this was just an aggro example of the species.
Thanks Wal,am in Dunolly at the moment,lovin' the place as have only been in ozz for 3 months am enjoying this strange and wonderful country.I am swinging a coiltek 12'' mono and wondering if this is adequate given the ground conditions.WalnLiz said:Welcome to the forum lucem, hope you find the info on here helpful in your prospecting. Sounds like your gator amendments should work a treat. Best of luck out there.
Cheers Wal.
He should buy a lottery ticket.nuggetino said:A mate of mine just got bitten several times by a tiger snake while trying to access a creek for fly fishing. Didn't even realize immediately he was being bitten as he was focused on clearing a path through vegetation. Felt a tap tap tap repeatedly on one of his gum boots and noticed he'd trod on a tiger snake. No harm done but he sure got a fright. I'll keep wearing my gum boots lol
Newprospector said:Hey all I'm down here in tassie we only got 3 breeds of snakes tiger copper head and the white lip whip snake and the tiger has got it in for me for sure as I been bitten 8 different times while been fishing except 2 of the 8 times one of them I seen it bite be fair in the groin and the last time was on my hand I'm I'm a keen fisherman n hunter and now getting into prospecting as I love the outdoors I have had many ppl ask me y do u still do it r u scared of snakes now and the answer is I'm not giving up on what I love doing n I'm not scared of snakes I need to get a pair of gaiters soon