In Australia our snakes only have small fangs, unlike the pit vipers like the rattle snake in the U.S.A, so if your well protected the bite shouldn't penetrate your clothing, so walking around in the bush in shorts and thongs should be avoided.
Most commonly seen here in Victoria
The Eastern Brown becomes aggressive in Spring, breeding season etc etc but in general doesnt want conflict unless they cant find a way past you.
Red Belly Black is a pretty shy snake and will usually avoid any confrontation.
Tiger snake usually has one or 2 dry bites when attacking, and doesnt want confrontation.
Copper Head usually found in the forests and near water, will give you a bite if cornered, they also make you pretty sick as my bite did after standing on one.
Most people get bitten handling snakes or trying to corner them and or stepping on one with out good protection, putting your hand into the scrub without looking 1st is a good way to get tagged.
Leave them alone and watch where your walking, if you see one just stand still and let it go on its way.