Have a look at Snakeprotex website ...... Pretty impressive field testing. I bought a pair recently based on the field testing.
Kiwi digging said:Can anyone help me,i want to buy a pair of snake leggings had close encounter,local not oversea takes to long.
Foot socks over a newspaper around your legs will work , used that when shearing sheep full of burrs.DigginForGold said:Could I make my own out of some pvc pipe sewn into some fabric? Obviously not quite as simple as that but you get me. I bet a few jaws just hit the floor..."why would you skimp when it comes to snake protection?". Well, it's better than nothing and I certainly cant afford the real deal anytime soon...not even $50. Just an idea. I dunno...
Unlike their cousins overseas, our venomous snakes have
poor eye-sight, are short-fanged and lack heat-sensors. If you're walking in long-grass it's wise to wear jeans because in the unlikely event a snake does strike, the fangs can't penetrate the material. Australian snake fangs are so short, the bites appear as little more than a scratch.
Why not just buy soome gators . Might save u lifeaussiefarmer said:Foot socks over a newspaper around your legs will work , used that when shearing sheep full of burrs.DigginForGold said:Could I make my own out of some pvc pipe sewn into some fabric? Obviously not quite as simple as that but you get me. I bet a few jaws just hit the floor..."why would you skimp when it comes to snake protection?". Well, it's better than nothing and I certainly cant afford the real deal anytime soon...not even $50. Just an idea. I dunno...
Loose Denim jeans will stop 90% snake bites they only have tiny fangs.
Nothing better than standing on one then looking down to see what is tapping on ya gum bootsgets ya dancing a highland jig.
SC75 said:You're very lucky stoyve. Good to see your ok, and do you know what type of snake that bit ya mate?