Thank you everyone, I am gob smacked, I expected Ma to be drowsy and in some discomfort only to find her sitting up like Jackie having a cup of tea. 4hours awake while there drilling you skull and placing electrodes in your brain, then an hour asleep while they tunnel down your neck to just below your collar bone and fitting a battery is not my idea of fun. She has lost a lot of hair but that will grow back.
She was still very fidgety when I arrived and I thought the stimulator hadn't been turned on but the doc arrived while I was there and he assured us it was on and the movements were a hangover from the drugs given. Well bugger me by the time I'd left she was sitting completely still, only the toes were twitching. For the first time in ten years I could get close enough not to get kicked or clouted by the wild body movements, bloody fantastic!
Onward and upward from here and once again thanks everyone for your support.