Did I say 'pretty much plain sailing'...For crying out loud!...The weather didn't look good this morning with a fine 'scotch mist' hanging around and I'm ,..like...should I get the gear out or...??
Eventually, The cloud lifted and I took the plunge and set the gear up. :lol: First item of the day was to prepare the rear end section for painting...check! :Y: Race up to Bunnings and get pad-locks,bolts etc!...check! :Y: Forgot to get a Toggle switch for the water pump!...CROSS!


On with mounting the latches...O..OH!..Bolts are to big for the mounting holes...

Break out the drill and resize holes :Y: ...check! :Y: Next drill out the hole for the latch bolt to seat into...not so easy!...the weather ridge on the the old window frame was getting in the road!

Damn!...wander around...swear...Then came the lightbulb-moment! :Y: :Y: :lol: :lol: ]

drill it from the outside where it's flat and the drill is unimpeded! :Y:

Check! :Y: Drill and mount the bolts through the door, using the 'star pattern type bolt-heads...just might make it a little hard for the opportune thief! ]

So pic 1. is the repair to the rear corner ready for paint....and below that is the Van door with locks in place...albeit a little out of sync..

but at the end of the day....I just didn't care. ]

The next and final job on the door, is to affix a frame around the Mural and give the whole thing a couple of coats of Clear-Cote.
Mean-time my lawns and garden are crying out for a Gardener

So we'll leave the tools in the shed for a day or two while I rack up a few brownie points! ]


...Cheers ter y's.