Well!,today was a very interesting day working on the build..So sorry but have no pics ..my Phone has dropped dead and will be buried with full ceremony culminating in it's being dashed to pieces against the back brick wall! ]

Well Ken arrived around 0845. and after a cuppa was soon barking orders!..hehe! :Y: The Agenda!..well 1st... secure and align the top of the left hand -full-length cupboard to hold my shovels pick and pans....2nd, remove old battery(temporary) and fit larger capacity...110-120 amp/hrs..(not sure on that).3rd, install water pump...connect to battery, run pipe from Gerry-can and fit switch.4th..cut bed by 40mm to allow the fridge a bit of space

all good it loves it's new home..nice and handy for me to grab a coldie from..and a banger or two or four!..eggs, ham, tomato..etc!

:Y: :Y: ...speaking of food!..new portable kitchen..as in the pics above in Ken's post, is now ensconced within the body of the "Demon'.

..SUPER, SUPER COOL...I am fortunate beyond my capacity to describe, so I won't even try.
Suffice to say ..that I was a little emotional upon its arrival and then to see it open up and reveal it's full magic before my very eyes.. well a bloke can only take so much...sorry Ken for my teary eyes..and thanks for the hug!.So that just about covers where we are up to.I have decided not to alter the original colours of the unit so it is Polar White, with navy-blue pinstriping!
The cupboards inside..well I like the grain on the ply a lot, so I will just sand it up somewhat and hit it with a clear cote.The curtains...Navy -Blue..with the Southern Cross prominent in stick-on form to the windows!..All very idealistic to some I'll grant you...but hey...I wear my heart on my sleeve,...

and my Bowie under my shirt.! ]


..believe me!.
So, all in all, it was a great day, we finished up with Gourmet meat pies, Coke for Ken and a beer for me. Thanks, Ken, for your company and expertise!...Your a legend in your own time mate! :Y: