Ok so here's the latest on the repairs to the Demon.

Saturday was no go for me with the pain in my knee too severe to do much but hang around the house and winge!

That's after I had did the edges and mowed the lawn..again!
Just put too much stress on the knee and boy!..did it sting.

8.( 8.( Sunday was just too hot to do more then sit in front of the fan and winge about the heat

37.5 degrees at my place but with no breeze it seemed more like 47.5 8)

8) 8)
So today,...suitably medicated against the pain I pushed on and started with a couple of brackets to the the rear left corner of the trailer.It's the side that copped the whole lot of the impact of the tree and despite Ken's best efforts to rectify the welds and add a piece of gal-box section, there is still movement which over time will weaken the upright in the corner of the trailer
. Below shows the braces in place.
Next on the list was fitting rubber seals to the sides of the trailer to weather-proof the back.
Next up was to complete the frame around the rear Mural and apply another layer of varnish to it and the Mural...one more lot of sanding and then a final coat.I'm really pleased with it and that's just gonna have to be it.
Tomorrow will be to attach a new door to the water closet and wack on a latch.Below shows the remnants of what's left of the old door and the sorry state of all the warped timber...but hey!...I'm not going to even try too much to straighten all that..everything still opens and shuts so that will have to do.

So tomorrow is the above repair as well as some filling of the gouge out of the cabin roof and apply a rubber seal to cover the gap between the bottom of the door and the top of the trailer

Then comes a lick of paint to the sides and that's it!.So hopefully my next post in a day or so will see the finished job! :Y: :Y: