My XP Deus 2016 Finds

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rocketaroo said:
Hit the same spot this morn, and went over the ground that I detected last hunt. But this time, I lowered iron volume to 1, and detected really slow. Trashy ground here, with coke, and pig iron. Its tough on the coins....but now I know why I hadnt found silver last hunt...I detected too fast. Dont buy the deus, and believe the youtube hype, that you can swing fast. You can, but your missing out on its best separation. The first hole I dug gave me a ringpull, and a really worn shilling. In one hole I got a thrip, and sixpence, then I checked the hole...another two inches down was a shilling stuck to a com penny. Got all these coins in 1 hour. In the last 30 mins I got the goldie, and a couple of BBs. My stomach was growling, so I left. I dug more ringpulls, and pulltabs at depth today as well. All the coins were deep, the length of the blade of my garret digger. I am going back tomorrow!

Top hunt there Rocket, yeah no matter what the detector is you need to go low and slow and try different settings I reckon. I pretty much always take my time now after finding so many goodies on turf I've detected previously, I think it always pays to do some sites a few times, especially from different angles too. That 1914 Silling looks very nice. :)

Well done mate.
Ripper hunt Rocket, one of your best on silvers in recent times. True about the swing speed, you do really have to slow down and to noodle out some of those targets from amongst iron, especially the deeper ones that are a bit touch and go. It's a bit hard to explain it, though I find if you get a bit of a dodgy sounding target at first, a few slower swings over it tends to clean up the response/tone quite noticibly. :)
same spot, same section as last few days, spent the time gridding it today. Only 2 silvers, but I feel confident that I am not missing much, when I get thrips at depth :)
Nice thrips RKT, and an old bone handle pocket knife, plenty of copper to silver.
Hard slog, good result. :D
You must be doing something right, the coin tally is proof of that - nice work Rocket. ;) Those deep thrips can be pretty dodgy signals if sitting on edge due to having such a thin cross section, that's when I use pinpoint mode to do some target sizing much like I used to do on the Ace and Explorer.

Despite those on edge thrips sounding crap from surface at times, pinpoint mode will still give a reasonably strong response to such coins, vs small non-ferrous junk targets which tend to give barely a blip when pinpointing (typically small flakes of copper in my area). The last two deep 1800's thrips I found were picked up via scanning over the target with pinpoint mode. :)
Goldpick said:
You must be doing something right, the coin tally is proof of that - nice work Rocket. ;) Those deep thrips can be pretty dodgy signals if sitting on edge due to having such a thin cross section, that's when I use pinpoint mode to do some target sizing much like I used to do on the Ace and Explorer.

Despite those on edge thrips sounding crap from surface at times, pinpoint mode will still give a reasonably strong response to such coins, vs small non-ferrous junk targets which tend to give barely a blip when pinpointing (typically small flakes of copper in my area). The last two deep 1800's thrips I found were picked up via scanning over the target with pinpoint mode. :)

I pumped it to tx3 today...which did noticably improve the signals...not alot, but am sure it talked me into digging more targets. Yep, pinpoint is a great tool for sizing, and seperating :)
Can't say I've used tx3 much so far, luckily most of my coins are shallow enough to get by with tx2. Apparently tx3 will also chew through the power reserves a lot quicker as well, especially using the larger coils, though still worth a try if it helps to clean up the signal. :)
Thanks Rocket, sorry mate there is so much goin on on the forum that I missed it.
This bloke is very interesting.
Marcus Julius Verus Philippus AD 204-AD249
Known as "Phillip the Arab" because he was the first Arab to hold the position as Emperior. Died Sept-October AD249 by Emperior Decius. Phil was in poor health when he went into battle and he and his son died.
A great looking coin.
Love Roman coins. I was recently given a Vespasian AD 75 and a Domitian AD 95/96 both Silver Denarius, absolutely love them.
Enjoy mate and just think of where that coin has been compared to a 1880 silver, no comparison really.
Same site, but the other side of the creek....couldnt get onto the good patch today. Always get more relics on this side, and fewer coins, but its still enjoyable. The pennies are brits, the half 1907, and the full 1890ish..cant read the last two numbers. Tiny button spill, maker seems to be Pepperon, or something like that. The pocket watch maybe brass, no back plate on it. Interesting hunt, shame the goldies are trashed, the dog tag looking thing was deep, looks to be hand dot stamped, crude love heart, saying Hellen and Tara maybe. The council plate was attached to lump of broken concrete on grass, I smashed the concrete off, and kept the marker....kinda interesting thing I spose. The doorknob is solid brass, heaviest one I had found.
