R.I.P. HF COIL LOWER SHAFT #000001 8.(
I went to hunt yesterday afternoon. And Police siren! Black commodore station wagon with 2 officer inside. "G'day mate, May I ask what are you doing?" I was surprised but I said I was metal detecting. They told me there were incident people shooting Kangaroo with crossbow... I guess residents have rang cop thought I was doing that as XP deus looks like crossbow from the distance,,,,,,,
Anyway I found a roo penny after 5 mins and I was swinging coil slow and wide then hit small tree branch and HF COif head flew off! Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I need to leave location as there was nothing I could do to quick fix.
I went home I tried to glue and melt to infuse together but no luck.
I sent email to Clegy this morning and I hope he`s got one,,,,, O
I have seen one broken online but I did not expect it to happen to it so soon. :N: