I hate journalists

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news reguarding weather is A WEATHER EVENT and blue skys and not a drop of rain or 2=4 mm when they rave on about the 60-80mmthat they claim is coming
savage bitter said:
news reguarding weather is A WEATHER EVENT and blue skys and not a drop of rain or 2=4 mm when they rave on about the 60-80mmthat they claim is coming
Yes.. ....as someone who only has tank water.I look forward to those weather events that mostly never come :N:
Smoky bandit said:
savage bitter said:
news reguarding weather is A WEATHER EVENT and blue skys and not a drop of rain or 2=4 mm when they rave on about the 60-80mmthat they claim is coming
Yes.. ....as someone who only has tank water.I look forward to those weather events that mostly never come :N:

Ramjet said:
It's not news any more. Just sensationalism.
Has been for over a century...

"Both major political parties used the media to build the perception of opposing positions on key issues, while all the while building consensus on issues that were critical to social change. That's verified in the Congressional Record for 1917, which reported that

"...the J.P. Morgan [banking] interests.... and their subsidiary organizations got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the US.... They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. ...an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information...."

--Congressman Oscar Callaway statements were included in the Congressional Record (vol. 54, February 9, 1917, p. 2947)

And this...

"In the Introduction to Censored [1996]: The News That Didn't Make the News-And Why, a 1996 book by Carl Jensen, Walter Cronkite wrote:
"'A handful of us determine what will be on the evening news broadcasts, or, for that matter, in the New York Times or Washington Post or Wall Street Journal.... Indeed it is a handful of us with this awesome power... a strongly editorial power.

"...we must deicide [sic] which news items out of hundreds available we are going to expose that day. And those [news stories] available to us already have been culled and re-culled by persons far outside our control.'"

They are still doing it today although the message is somewhat disjointed between competing interests. For instance we are led to believe we are currently fighting certain jihadist groups while at the same time supporting similar if not identical groups to overthrough governments. Those groups the media present as democracy loving freedom fighters. We are told that the open free market is the way to go but one of the biggest commodities traded and imported into Australia is oil that is bought through opec who fix output and price enriching people who are major sponsors of terror. That particular country doesnt like journalist much either apparently.
But keep in mind, you get caught over there as a mule, they know the risks, so they cant cry about it.
After all the "Media coverage" of how she was facing a firing squad for a bag of dope.. this one straps HEROIN to herself shortly after!
Knowing full well of the consequences.
True in Australia's basic understanding of imprisoned punishment, she has served her time.
Bali dose not, right or wrong......
After spending all that time In a bali gaol, a few moments of being annoyed would not of been such a drama to her.
Bloody lucky to still be alive.
She showed no respect to balinese law or the people she was going to ruin with the heroin.
THEN to have an out stadinding warrent upon returning here.....
No sympathy here.
The world could do without this kind

Would you be that caring if Ivan got out and had microphone jambed in his face?
I agree that journalism has hit a proper low now days.
Its so hard to know what to believe.
I'll use a personal example.
In 2014, I was on a night shift at work, (a prison).
The boss received a call from the youth justice department detailing a problem they could not deal with and requested assistance. Me, and two work mates were ordered to assist.
When we got there, the Commissioner, was present. He was talking directly with the Minister and Attorney General.
We were given orders, and did as we were ordered.
A few weeks later, we were ordered to front the Children's Commissioner.
Many recommendations were made, and some implemented imeadiatley.
A few years later, (2016) I returned home after a 10 hour drive form a week prospecting in Tennent Creek.
I started to relax , and turned on the telly.
What did I see? I saw myself using tear gas on poor defenceless children! We had apparently been torturing them a la Guantanamo bay style according the journalist. What's worse is the footage I was watching was not how I remembered the incident, some 2 years before hand. I was actually worried, as my incident report was different to what I was watching on national TV.
4 Corners no less, a proper investigative, truthful program!
The next day, in the morning, the PM called a royal commission.
A civil case was launched against us as well.
This really caused me a huge amount of stress.
Some of my friends and even family members had started acting different around me. I was starting to get paranoid to.
When the court case came around, we were given access to the unedited footage, which was not what you saw on TV. 4 Corners heavily edited the footage for maximum shock effect, cutting breaks out between applications of the CS gas.
We won the court case, and in fact, were praised for getting an outcome with NO injuries to anyone involved.
There is so much more to this story. Footage of children in restraint chairs at don dale, when in fact it was as an adult at Alice Springs Correctional Centre, 2 years later, and 3000km to the south.
4 Corners won an award for the story.
The royal commissions findings were the same as the children's commission, 2 years earlier, and cost the public $200 million. No charges were laid as a result of the story or the Royal Commission.
I have ZERO faith in TV journalism at all now. I believe only parts of what I see on TV. I pay no attenyltion to opinion pieces, I make up my own mind thanks, and I always ask questions about the other side of the story.
People are so quick to want believe what's on TV.
I'm not paranoid, but I am telling you for a fact, that the governments of all developed countries use TV shows even sit com's, to social train the population. Even shows like Sienfield and Friends.
Social engineering is fact I'm sorry to say.
Most people will vote for who ever the media tells them to.
Well said Dave and a b#$$dy HARD Job you have... Cheer-up mate, turn the page(I know it's hard, I have had to get a new book this year) and keep posting on here... You have lots of Support from your PA Family.....
Hats off to you Bud.... :beer:

davent said:
I agree that journalism has hit a proper low now days.
Its so hard to know what to believe.
I'll use a personal example.
In 2014, I was on a night shift at work, (a prison).
The boss received a call from the youth justice department detailing a problem they could not deal with and requested assistance. Me, and two work mates were ordered to assist.
When we got there, the Commissioner, was present. He was talking directly with the Minister and Attorney General.
We were given orders, and did as we were ordered.
A few weeks later, we were ordered to front the Children's Commissioner.
Many recommendations were made, and some implemented imeadiatley.
A few years later, (2016) I returned home after a 10 hour drive form a week prospecting in Tennent Creek.
I started to relax , and turned on the telly.
What did I see? I saw myself using tear gas on poor defenceless children! We had apparently been torturing them a la Guantanamo bay style according the journalist. What's worse is the footage I was watching was not how I remembered the incident, some 2 years before hand. I was actually worried, as my incident report was different to what I was watching on national TV.
4 Corners no less, a proper investigative, truthful program!
The next day, in the morning, the PM called a royal commission.
A civil case was launched against us as well.
This really caused me a huge amount of stress.
Some of my friends and even family members had started acting different around me. I was starting to get paranoid to.
When the court case came around, we were given access to the unedited footage, which was not what you saw on TV. 4 Corners heavily edited the footage for maximum shock effect, cutting breaks out between applications of the CS gas.
We won the court case, and in fact, were praised for getting an outcome with NO injuries to anyone involved.
There is so much more to this story. Footage of children in restraint chairs at don dale, when in fact it was as an adult at Alice Springs Correctional Centre, 2 years later, and 3000km to the south.
4 Corners won an award for the story.
The royal commissions findings were the same as the children's commission, 2 years earlier, and cost the public $200 million. No charges were laid as a result of the story or the Royal Commission.
I have ZERO faith in TV journalism at all now. I believe only parts of what I see on TV. I pay no attenyltion to opinion pieces, I make up my own mind thanks, and I always ask questions about the other side of the story.
People are so quick to want believe what's on TV.
I'm not paranoid, but I am telling you for a fact, that the governments of all developed countries use TV shows even sit com's, to social train the population. Even shows like Sienfield and Friends.
Social engineering is fact I'm sorry to say.
Most people will vote for who ever the media tells them to.
as lone wolf said hard job I for one would not look down on you for that that is a job which sometimes a certain type of force is the only way to get the job done at the end of the day you had a good outcome hat off to you
Remember old dick Smith.... promoting buy Australian. Just promoting the benifits of it all. Jobs, economy etc.
He wasn't calling us traitorous for buying OS products. Just informing us of how it was all sliding for our (Australian) economy.
The MEDIA condemned and persecuted him for offering/having OS BISCUITS in his lunch room!!!
He wasn't ever dictating to us!
But making us aware of the big picture!
He never said to his staff "you cant eat those in my work place!" Did he!
Yet the MEDIA portrayed him as a hypocrit!
That broke his heart and spirit and sunk his push!
Think about it.
Ps. That was a few years ago, he hasn't changed... but that media story crushed him, hence why we don't hear much of him anymore.
NZ are now packaging Chinese products trying to elude the origin of country.
And Edgel and Birdseye are soon to collapse! Our last two Australian companies of Veg....
And what happens after they collapse.........
Will you be eating veg with Australian banned pesticides.... ddt?
Oh, we are probably already doing that.
Poor regs as it is.
Farmed fish fed :poop:
And dont beleive the :poop: about John West products! They Buy the best? Check their smoked oysters... china!
Best buying price!
Full sympathies to Davnt who got done over by 4-Corners and was not properly supported by his employer.

BUT I would not want to swap our FREE media for the media of other places such as Russia, China, or the many tin-pot regimes who persecute and murder journalists to shut them up, and in so doing keep people ignorant, or to control them.

In many countries some of the posts on this forum would land the authors in jail, or worse.

Even if you dont like our media do you really want to swap it for state-controlled propaganda as the alternative? I dont! NO THANKS!

Today our media world is complicated by a 24-hour news cycle and endless facebook feeds that give us the news we are in the habit of reading, and feed our internal biases. Thats not necessarily bad but we have to use our own analytical faculties to determine what is credible. We should also seek out credible news platforms rather than relying on whatever comes into our inbox.

The likes of Donald Trump and even Dick Smith are master manipulators of media and deserve no particular credit for milking an imperfect system. They are playing the game of influence and seek to benefit from knocking their opposition and by stroking discontent.

Despite its imperfections, at the end of the day the 'traditional' media such as we have in Australia is not perfect but it is a F-ING lot better than the alternative.

Given the general tone of the thread, I expect to be howled down for this post, so knock yourselves out.
Imadogman said:
Full sympathies to Davnt who got done over by 4-Corners and was not properly supported by his employer.

BUT I would not want to swap our FREE media for the media of other places such as Russia, China, or the many tin-pot regimes who persecute and murder journalists to shut them up, and in so doing keep people ignorant, or to control them.

In many countries some of the posts on this forum would land the authors in jail, or worse.

Even if you dont like our media do you really want to swap it for state-controlled propaganda as the alternative? I dont! NO THANKS!

Today our media world is complicated by a 24-hour news cycle and endless facebook feeds that give us the news we are in the habit of reading, and feed our internal biases. Thats not necessarily bad but we have to use our own analytical faculties to determine what is credible. We should also seek out credible news platforms rather than relying on whatever comes into our inbox.

The likes of Donald Trump and even Dick Smith are master manipulators of media and deserve no particular credit for milking an imperfect system. They are playing the game of influence and seek to benefit from knocking their opposition and by stroking discontent.

Despite its imperfections, at the end of the day the 'traditional' media such as we have in Australia is not perfect but it is a F-ING lot better than the alternative.

Given the general tone of the thread, I expect to be howled down for this post, so knock yourselves out.

Pretty hard to knock your point of view down imo it's well balanced :Y: I just don't like main stream media. Thankfully we're not in Russia or controlled by a dictator regime but it doesn't mean their not full of themselves.
Imadogman said:
Full sympathies to Davnt who got done over by 4-Corners and was not properly supported by his employer.

BUT I would not want to swap our FREE media for the media of other places such as Russia, China, or the many tin-pot regimes who persecute and murder journalists to shut them up, and in so doing keep people ignorant, or to control them.

In many countries some of the posts on this forum would land the authors in jail, or worse.

Even if you dont like our media do you really want to swap it for state-controlled propaganda as the alternative? I dont! NO THANKS!

Today our media world is complicated by a 24-hour news cycle and endless facebook feeds that give us the news we are in the habit of reading, and feed our internal biases. Thats not necessarily bad but we have to use our own analytical faculties to determine what is credible. We should also seek out credible news platforms rather than relying on whatever comes into our inbox.

The likes of Donald Trump and even Dick Smith are master manipulators of media and deserve no particular credit for milking an imperfect system. They are playing the game of influence and seek to benefit from knocking their opposition and by stroking discontent.

Despite its imperfections, at the end of the day the 'traditional' media such as we have in Australia is not perfect but it is a F-ING lot better than the alternative.

Given the general tone of the thread, I expect to be howled down for this post, so knock yourselves out.

If you read the United Nations agreement about Agenda 21 then you will be thinking and talking very differently about your comments above.
HELL is the word for it. :skull:
As you said imadogman, it could be alot worse but could also be alot better too. The media have lost alot of respect in this country and for good reason. People sourcing their infomation from the internet can do better in finding the actual truth but then the down side is they can also only seek out infomation to support the veiw they already hold and not really learn anything. Is it really a 24hr news cycle or just 24hrs of repeats ?

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