Mudguts said:
My spray bars don't get me wet at all or fill the air with mist
Might need to look into a better system or less pressure
Just my 2c worth
I'm using a Walbanker with slotted spray bar made by the man himself. I believe the mist is more of problem with this design as apposed to a standard grizzly config due to the water blasting directly onto the classifying screen as well as the higher pressure / flow requirement. So changing the spray bar probably isn't an option unfortunately.
G0lddigg@ said:
a sureway to avoid being wet mate is to get some good waders and wear a spray jacket
On the point of algae generally excessive algae is a sure sign that the water has high levels of phosphates, carbon and sometimes nitrogen, excessive doses on any element can upset the ecology in a waterway. Think algae bloom blocks the sun and reduces oxygen, bugs, fish all die in the water causes rotting etc. so there are risks for sure. Using an algae filter on your pickup will reduce blockages in your spray bars but if they still get blocked i recommend adding a larger cut on the end of your bar. When you get a buildup you can cover your other slots with your hand and create a flushing pressure to the large gap which blows mots crap out of the pipe.
I'm a bit oldschool dont like to take pills, go to doctors etc. make some pasta lots of onions garlic spices etc. help your immune system help you
I was going to buy a pair of waders 6 months or more ago but for some reason didn't go through with it. I think I'll be getting a pair very soon though.
To be honest I haven't had any blockages using the slotted spray bar. It's more the health affects I'm concerned about.
Bazz said:
hey Nugget
I wear a lead apron while detecting :lol:
And I'd be happy to protect your health by taking the highbanker off your hands :lol:
Seriously, take it from someone who has dived, waded & worked in some of the crappyist, filthy bog holes around the world, you need to keep yourself heathy, treat and cover any wounds and if there is really a concern wear a mask
Hope you are feeling better
I appreciate the offer mate, but I think I'll be right :lol:
After a shower and something to eat I'm feeling much better, it might have been from the cold night air or something.
I'm thinking a mask might be the go during the dry periods as the more I think about it, breathing in cow poo, algae, mercury etc kinda worries me :/
Redmanti said:
It is your hands that give me the most hassles. Need to use good 'water proof gloves' otherwise you can damage your nails.
That's taking things a bit far isn't it mate? :lol:
Colmaca said:
I not worried very much I turned my spray bar up in the air wacked the pump on full , and had a shower when I was done good shower as well sprayed 5 mtrs into the air . Lucky I not seen anybody around for 50 miles
I'm going to give that a whirl next summer, it sounds like a great way to cool off