Paydirt said:I do also wondering what biological nasties are being uncovered in stinking sediment. If it doesn't kill you does it really make you stronger - ie exposure builds resistance.
ive watched a few doco's on the micro biology of the human body and the balance of positive and negative bacteria within us. you are right and exposure does build resistance but it actually takes generations.
because modern civilisation has chosen to fight common infections with anti-biotics and become gullable to thinking that we can be clean we are actually becoming less resistant and just mutating viruses.
on a microscopic level we are riddled with bacteria and you cant scrub them off in a shower lol
you don't wanna know what that water was contaminated with in the last ground I was working, a full month of exposure and I didn't get sick, I think im just lucky, its 1 of the reasons I have abandoned that prospect!
ps...that contamination is actually making its way into a nearby exempt from prospecting tributary of a major river system in victoria, I have sampled this tributary (not for its contamination level) and you don't wanna know the results!