Gday swingers, after watching some diggers and reading Sandtas post I decided to brave the wind and sun and go and have a stroll in the park and Im glad I did went for about 6hrs, I got to use the nokta pointer and boy dont they make life a lot easier very happy

, anyhow it was quite productive 7 x $2, 7 x $1 and 7c :lol: 1 x 5c and 2x 1c, a dirty old key and another bullet that is the same calibre as my last 2 only shorter Im presuming its younger than the other 2.
After reading Heathos post with his gold ring I decided too also dig a lot of lower id targets I lost count after about 20

but now Im sore and I dont have any gold

and Im dreading the thought of how many Im going to have to dig before I see yellow
Cheers guys