A bit of an update for me.
It has been a few months now, and while the pain is still real, and the memory of that moment won't leave, I do have good news. And I think it is important that we share how we feel, and also the good news stories that can come about.
My two adult sons go to Bali each year before uni. This year, given what had happened, and seeing I was glum and tired they invited me along.
Long story short, I had an amazing time with the lads... but the kicker, and what I feel really helped me was meeting a lady who was also there on holidays. We kicked along, shared stories, and to me, this was an amazing fast forward button.
It was a great holiday romance - for me - it worked. Forgot my problems. Now I have been back for a couple of weeks, her and I still chat - but she lives in the US. We are both adults, we know what we had....
I have heard so many times "rebound", don't date. blah blah blah - you know what. Do what feels right. Be open, be honest and open to whatever comes along.
I have a renewed sense of life. I have changed my diet - totally want donuts right now. Getting some exercise in - just doing laps around the block, and basic stuff at home, and really having a positive mind set.
I have heard sweet FA from the ex, the kids and I text - and that is probably the hardest bit about being a step dad - no real rights. But I keep the lines open with the kids.
Life goes on, and we only get one.
To end this, I was chatting with a guy who summed this up for me... He asked me my Definition of hell at the end of my time. I didn't really have an answer, but what he told me gave me goosebumps.
Imagine you are forced to look into a mirror - and in that mirror you see yourself - and you get to watch your life all over - but this time, you get to watch what you COULD HAVE done, not what you actually did do.
That snapped me - I don't think I would want to watch too much of my life prior to that moment, and I am committed to making sure that the mirror, if I am forced to watch it at the end of time has nothing I regret not doing from that moment forward.
So, there is a silver lining for all of us - just got to find it - don't force it - just let it happen - put it out there to the universe what you want, and take steps toward it.
All the best fellas