Hi all and thanks for having me on. I’m traveling from Brisbane to Tasmania with my dog in my Transit Campervan and decided I needed on another hobby to get me outdoors. I do mountain and road bike. Too much spare time! 
I’ve been fossicking at Gemtree and Sapphire and found bits and pieces.
I’ve bought a Minelab 900 for its all round capabilities and 2 coils. I’ve had fun on the Gold Coast beaches, helped to clear them of trash! I’m currently in Durikai State Forest practising Gold finding. Or not, but I did get very excited with a solid TID of 18. I definitely had it in my scoop at about 150mm but damned if I could see it. Back to the van and a slow look through brought it out. I was very excited but hope was soon dashed when it turned out to be lead. Bummer!
Still, on the positive side
1. I proved I could find something
2. The 900 can find small items
My question is, can you refine the sound chirping or chatter to narrow the search?
Thanks again

I’ve been fossicking at Gemtree and Sapphire and found bits and pieces.
I’ve bought a Minelab 900 for its all round capabilities and 2 coils. I’ve had fun on the Gold Coast beaches, helped to clear them of trash! I’m currently in Durikai State Forest practising Gold finding. Or not, but I did get very excited with a solid TID of 18. I definitely had it in my scoop at about 150mm but damned if I could see it. Back to the van and a slow look through brought it out. I was very excited but hope was soon dashed when it turned out to be lead. Bummer!
Still, on the positive side
1. I proved I could find something
2. The 900 can find small items
My question is, can you refine the sound chirping or chatter to narrow the search?
Thanks again