Etrac finds

Prospecting Australia

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Sandta said:
Yes very impresive indeed .
I have the same coil on my beach rig
Couldn't imagine using it in any of the parks I've visited though but as you previously mentioned you have very little rubbish at that site
It certainly goes deep ;)

Best of all it is very light for a coil of its size, in fact it doesn't feel much heavier than the stock pro coil - no issues with pinpointing either. As you mentioned, it's not a coil for the junk, though should prove for great coverage in a few large open areas I have in mind. :)

Did I mention that the Minelab branded control box cover for the Etrac sucks, very loose fit and very hard to locate the correct control buttons?? Anyway, still awaiting a full camo set from the Ukraine, the same mob I purchased the excellent fitting set for the Explorer.
Hey Ramjet, I looked at that photo to and then I saw one lipstick case sitting on the other and the shell casing next to it.
Great finds. I love this forum.
Thanks Everyone.
I must have eaten up most of the silvers previously, as only one silver coin reared its head tonight before the rain set in, a 1951sixpence. Seven pre-dec coppers were found including a very nice English 1967 penny (debatable as a pre-dec), plus others from 1939, 1941, 1942, 1950 & 1952. Only one half penny from 1951.

The surprise of the night was what I though to be a dog tag, turned out to be a fair old chunk of sterling silver. No idea about the symbolism on it, maybe someone else can enlighten me to its meaning. :)





Well,....regardless of fertility enabling chastity belts and their keys,.... I like it just for how it looks(especially the stg.sil bit). :)
Turns out it is a Hamsa (shape of hand palm), essentially a good luck charm used across various cultures/religions, but mainly derived from the middle east and Northern Africa.
After heading out last night, I realised half way to my destination that I had left my wireless headphones for the Deus at home. So was stuck with using the Etrac in an area that wasn't exactly suitable for such a detector (junk filled), and with only two bars of power available for the session. Nevertheless, I continued on for as long as the battery held out, and managed a few decent finds.

The 1900 florin is my oldest florin so far, though was a bit ticked off that I managed to scratch it thanks to some very hard ground. The other pennies were from 1923 & 1949.

Also picked up a 1957 Doghouse Club badge, and another old enamelled badge which was a bit difficult to identify. The Doghouse badge is probably the third I have found so far, and relates to a charity run by Adelaide AM radio broadcaster 5AD in the early 50's.

The ring is a junker, with nothing more than T.H Golbo stamped on the inside, the ID was also too high for gold. :)






Jaros said:
Gotta keep your hand in. I hope to be out there in a few months.
Goin' sti crazy.
Jaros :p

Drives me nuts when I don't get my "fix" for a while, my Mrs literally sends me out for a detect. :)
Ramjet said:
Congrats on the old florin. Not bad for a back up detector ;)

It's not bad, though wasn't a lot of fun to use here. I probably would have walked over quite a few good targets and not picked up on them, as there was a hell of a lot of nulling going on over the shallower modern/industrial junk. Opening up the screen a bit would have helped to cut back on the nulls to a degree, though the constant iron signals tend to mask deeper finds, especially some of the smaller silver coins. This was proven last time I detected here when several small silvers were picked up by the Deus on ground already gone over with the Etrac/Explorer
The older 1800's coins here are almost predictably graded 3-4" deeper than the Oz pre-decimals, so you really need a fast detector that can "see" through the successive layers of targets, and also best done with minimal conventional discrimination (ie: using tonal discrimination, not discriminating by TID's). :)
Opening up the screen a bit would have helped to cut back on the nulls to a degree, though the constant iron signals tend to mask deeper finds, especially some of the smaller silver coins.

From a noob what does this mean kind sir? i am truly a dear with no eyes :lol:

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