Not as dangerous or life threatening, but bloody hell it makes you think.
Went to the drive-in movies last night with the family, and when everyone was leaving there were three cars closely around us that needed to be "jump started."
Two were sorted by their mates, last one was nearby and had lots of kids in both 4WD cars, the red one had no idea how to position, the white one, no idea what to do with the jumper leads.
I told my wife I was going over to assist as they clearly did not know what they were doing, so I walked over.
Got there, asked if they wanted help and was welcomed, I had a mask on and the driver of the white car had a small panic to put one on for me, I told her it was all good, dont need to for me.
Took the leads, checked their condition (new Aldi brand about 1500mm long), checked both cars battery terminals, told the red car driver to start her car and leave it running.
That is when I was told that no one there had any idea how to jump start and they were on the phone to the father to be told what to do, I think it was Mum and Daughter with grand kids and friends.
Is it strange ? My whole family shy of the 6yr old, know what to do with jumper leads, I call them out to practice when I need to use them, it is just smart and sensible to teach them these things.
The terminals of the white car were crusty with corrosion, "It was just serviced two weeks ago" (Sure Lady ! :lol: ) so bad that the clamp was almost eaten through on one side of the positive pole.
I attached the jumper leads to the white car battery and then to the red car battery and asked the car to be started. She could not get into the drivers seat because kids were treating it like a playground
'pressed' start and it came to life. I told her not to turn it off until she got home, and to get the battery terminals and clamps sorted.
6 kids in her car and a boy about 16yrs on his I-phone.
Detached jumper cables and closed bonnets. My good deed done for the day.
They were down from the Country....
Home and into bed at 12.15 am, just to get woken by a house alarm across the road, she is old and lives alone so I headed out, she heard noises in the backyard so hit the 'panic' button.
At least another two neighbours turned up as well, we checked things and found nothing, she was safe, so back home and to bed.
layful: O