Beware the flu

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TheMediocritist said:
Ridge Runner said:
HippyProspecting said:
Yes the vaccine does use a dead strain of the infuenza virus but i think the rest of your statement is mostly anecdotal

It's not anecdotal at all. It's a fact that everyone I know who has that *** Gets sick every winter and I have had One cold since 1993 and that was in 2002 and I have not even had the sniffles, and my brother ended up in bed for a week my mother ended up in hospital and my son ended up sick for about 3 weeks.

Don't tell me it is anecdotal, I am not super human and suffer with some health issues and I can think of at leased a dozen members of the family and friends that end up sick every time they have those jabs.

Thats the very definition of anecdotal, i.e., evidence collected in a casual or informal manner and relying heavily or entirely on personal testimony [Wikipedia]. The weight of scientific evidence is overwhelmingly opposed to your conclusion, despite your observations.

I get the flu shot each year, not so much for myself but for those around me. In particularly the elderly, the young, people on immunosuppressant medication. Sometimes the nurse is cute, and usually I get a free lollipop.

You are assuming that the "scientific evidence" is reliable. When you are talking about a multi billion dollar industry you can get "scientific evidence" to say what ever you want. The tobacco industry had no problem getting doctors to say that smoking can't hurt you. Vaccinations are a personal choice and should remain so, it is not as simple a decision as the big pharmaceutical companies would have you believe. Do your research before you make your choice and your opinion may change.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned that the viral DNA can change in the virus due to the actual way they produce the vaccine in eggs, it actually helps make the vaccine target bird cells instead of human cells and can make vaccines way less effective. This actually happened to last years vaccine.

I know for a fact that some vaccines can be quite dangerous as my mum used to work in an animal testing lab and at a certain company that used to make certain vaccines for veterinary use. Some with apalling results. You only have to look at the Hendra Virus vaccine that they are giving to horses at the moment that's causing all sorts of nasty problems.

Also quite a few teens became seriously ill with brain damage and other problems after receiving the Gardasil vaccine for HPV. Search for info on it and you will find it.

Truth is for most people vaccines are safe with minimal side effects but for some they can trigger extreme immune responses that can kill or maim. I'm not an anti vaxer at all but there are complications in small amounts of people and animals that receive vaccines.

Anyway, I'm on the mend now, still not 100% but definitely on the mend, just hope I don't get another rebound.....

Hey lordo.1, mate pm your address and I'll sneeze on an envelope for you and you can tell me whether it's a cold or the flu. (just joking) ;)

Definitely flu in my opinion.
I had Infuenza A two years ago. I was working at a school. I thought I was going to have to go to hospital. I can not remember feeling that crook before from a virus infection. I tell you working at a school would have to be one of the worst places to pick up colds etc. Kids are not the most hygenicaly minded. We used to have flue jabs every year. Did it work for me ? No. I still got colds and viruse. Maybe it was milder I might have died without it. I certainly felt like I was going to.
madtuna said:
what's a flu? :D

the benefits of remote living :Y:

Interesting that you brought that up MT, as one of the bouts that I contracted 4 years ago was when I was on a cattle station, 45kms from the nearest other station and 100km to the nearest little town. Issue was that one of the station kids had come down with it a few weeks previously, likely caught during 300km trip to Carnarvon a couple of weeks before that. So just need one person to bring it in and anyone not protected can get a bad dose and so far from medical help as well. I am now a confirmed vaxer.

Rob P.
last time I had a free flu shot, within 4 days I came down with the symptoms of a mild case of influenza, it lasted for 6 weeks.
next trip to the Doc Said thanks , his reply well if you get the flu it wont be as bad. last year no shots & no flu even though was in contact with many sick people displaying head cold flu or chest issues. So I'm with Ridge Runner on the theory of flu shots,, by experience
Did anyone that claims they got the flu after the *** get a influenza swab test to confirm it was the same stain of influenza that was in the *** and not a different virus that is similar, like Adenovirus, man flu or the many common cold viruses?
HippyProspecting said:
Did anyone that claims they got the flu after the *** get a influenza swab test to confirm it was the same stain of influenza that was in the *** and not a different virus that is similar, like Adenovirus, man flu or the many common cold viruses?
Doctors don't like to thrust that expense onto taxpayers through medicare.... just try them and see. A great idea though.
True, true silver
I guess people are just assuming then that the *** is getting them sick and not that it could be a different virus
We should probably hash out some questions for a poll thread on who has a *** and gets sick or not and who doesn't get a *** and gets sick or not.
Any other poll questions you'd like to have included.....?
Maybe a question as to first hand past experience and the duration of the flu like stage as well as how long the cough stage lingered.
what do ya's recon.
I know we should run it in the members only section (just for our eyes only). ;) ;) 8)

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