Found this in the concentrates from my AM sluice this morning, was from Uralla. Could it be a Diamond? Sure looks like it to me from all the google images of some rough ones. Looks identical to some.
Side shot with light.
Feels lighter than a Sapphire and looks like scrunched up melted cellophane or plastic. Very hard too, tried a scratch test but too small and hard to tell. It's very sparkly on one side under light. Will get it checked with a Diamond tester at a jewellers just out of interest more than anything. Maybe an industrial grade?
Mfdes, you're probably right but it's one of the weirdest little stones I've found, I've got a big chunk of Spinel that I use for scratch testing but they are both too round. I'm 100% sure it's not quartz as every bit of quartz I rub on that Spinel starts shedding bits.
It's really shiny and glassy like a Sapphire to the touch. Only one way to be sure. The lady in the Sapphire shop at Inverell tested a couple of the Zircons I found up there with a Diamond tester. They were Zircons.
Will visit a jeweller or 2 tomorrow and see if they have a tester. Most should, you'd think.........
The smallest is 3ct!... Hold on is that the largest one is 3ct, doh. Well maybe they will grow in moonlight if I'm lucky . Well I like the look of my hole, its big. So big I'm having trouble uploading it for all to see, I will try once more. I washed 50 buckets for this lot, I'm now thinking of selling the buckets before I wash them. Free delivery, guaranteed a colour in every sift. Me and a local guy are going to sink a prospect hole tomorrow near where a mining co. found good trace. Will tell everyone if we land on it :8
Nice dezman,nothing bigger,I thought that you would get lucky,anyway nice colour and clear good meeting you ,will probably be out there next week.on my own I would say,my young bloke and the end of the crow bar got a bit close bar =1 my son =0 (blood n bruised poor little bloke)I m not the most popular bloke around home at the moment,anyway nice finds ...